Bear and Welker's Guide
"Incidently, in an effort to calm Dr. Welker down, I did offer to print a write up of his school, as HE wrote it, assuming, of course, that I agreed with it. He supplied me with one a couple of days ago; I had no problem with it, so it will be included 'Precisely' as HE wrote it."
--John Bear--AED--Feb. 5, 1995

Welker was telling how many millions of dollars Bear was making from Heriot Watt because of the 8000 students he (Bear) had recruited, when John saw the light and decided to make peace by allowing Welker to do his own piece in the Bear/Welker guide. It would seem, to shut Welker up, Bear cut a deal. Welker was claiming that Bear was out to damage the cheaper schools (his competition) so that he could gather an unfair advantage. Welker called him on it and prevailed. And the result, we get the Bear--Welker Guide.  How Sweet!!
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Here is the AED piece used to buy Welker's Silence.

"While I have not visited Eastern University, nor reviewed any student work, I am persuaded from my careful reading of their catalogue, my discussion with Dr. Welker, and my understanding that they have withdrawn from the accreditation process of "Accrediting Commission International," that Eastern University is "Worthy of Consideration" by the "Serious Student," willing to work, who can benefit from a well-earned, legitimate, respectable, if unaccredited degree."
--John Bear--AED--1995

Not Bad. Welker pours on the heat and gets a good write-up. Now if some guy shows up at DI/DD today and says he has a good degree from Eastern University 1995/96, you think John Bear is going to stand by his man/school? If the guy says, "But John said it was good", you think John will remember his little deal with the dead Dr. Welker? not likely. With Welker dead we would probably have, "Oh really I did, well here is what Dr. Bear says. Eastern University is an unaccredited school that might meet the needs of a very few people in very limited situations and I would never have endorsed it."

That is what I think he would say today. He would run from the truth and his history as fast as his legs could carry him. With Welker dead and silent the man RULES. The man and his selective memory.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.

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