Senile Bear Confuses Vaughn with Culp
This has been a very good thread, with very accurate and precise descriptions of Bear and his works. As Little Arminius said, "We were potential customers" and little more, this I will add. In private communications Bear could be civil and polite, but, I suspect, only as long as we were agreeing with and being useful to him. He is not satan incarnate, just no better than the guy who ran the odometer back on the used car we bought, that was "Just like new, and driven by a little old lady to church and back once a week." Of course we should have known better, but, we were dealing with one of the best and he is still fooling people as he recreates his past history and continues to make his name known, in his latest adventures in business. Aaaah, well, when you expect too much from people you usually get disappointed.

By telling the truth about what has been done we help others to stay clear of these people who are trying to con them out of their hard earned money, and that is a good thing. WE have to show that they are the ones selling degrees, porn, coffee enemas, cancer cures, self-serving degree guides, and out-and-out lies of all sorts. As strange as it seems they are doing the shilling and money making at it and we are the ones who are accused of it, amazing. All I would ask of the bystanders is that they see who is doing the selling and making the money from it before they decide who is shilling and lying. If they fairly evaluate the situation they will see that we are the warning signs, not the dangerous pit ahead in the road.

I share your disappointment, Little Arminius. I too believed Bear was one of the good guys, but he wasn't. To my surprise he was just a shill and a miller. Money-Money-Money-Money!!! To get it people will do and say what is necessary. I guess a comfortable retirement makes it all ok.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.

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RE: Senile Bear Confuses Vaughn with Culp - by Randall Flagg - 01-18-2008, 12:59 PM

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