If You're Really Bored
Janko is being really vulgar.


He takes a bite out of North who has been undressing him in public. Note that contrary to Janko's opinion, North's DMin. was accredited, by TRACS.

Janko used to misrepresent his ATS accredited M.Div. as RA. What's the juvenile vulgar poetry about?
The bitter old peckerhead is still at it:

Jeez, what is this obsession Janko has with Adolf Hitler. If someone mentioned ice cream, Janko would bring up his name.

Janko uses his same old tricks to attack people. "You are wrong, and your school is 'millish'. He is obviously stuck like a bad record. Why doesn't the lazy rascal do his own research and prove what he says to be true?
Answer: It's easier to say mill-mill-mill-mill, than to look for evidence. Evidence he probably already knows doesn't exist.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Quote:Jeez, what is this obsession Janko has with Adolf Hitler.

he or his father probably used to rat jews or other targeted people to nazis during the war. It isn't a mystery that Jews and the like were high on ratting on their own people.
He or his father probably had eleventeen nazi party (or other fascist party ) cards in their pockets, just to make sure they were helping the day's winner.
Now the war ended and he probably wants to scream his past away blaming on long deceased dictators, who obviously can't talk back.
But during the war it was about politics. Politics isn't clean, no matter the color of the hat you wear.
But about morality...i posted a long ago there reminding Janko about his involvement with gay teen porn sponsored sites & hailing gay teen pornographers as authorities...what about morality, i asked? He went into conniptions; i was banned & the thread cancelled.
Conniptions i said, no rational reply.
Uncle Janko & the DI/DD clique are like the soviet regime: proven to have occupied more countries than Hitler ever dreamt of; mass murdered more people than Hitler ever dreamt of, including russians and communist party members...BUT! when reminded of that by newly independent states of the FSU diaspora, Moscow's best reply is "oh but we fought the nazis; that clears us of any wrongdoing".
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Randall Flagg Wrote:Jeez, what is this obsession Janko has with Adolf Hitler. If someone mentioned ice cream, Janko would bring up his name.

Everyone who disagrees with Janko is a Nazi? Not exactly a higher form of debate.

Anyone wonder why Janko gets bounced out of doctoral programs like he's on a trampoline? It's because he's right and the profs are all ffffing Nazis.

It's amazing how these good Chistian folk tolerate a vulgar, cussing, repulsive guy with such a short fuse. I bet his anger management classes are really starting to piss him off.
DI/DD must take whatever castoffs from the normal world they can get, plus all the unknowing people who don't realize they have fallen into the "Land of the Lost."  If all these clowns were the highly successful millionaires they pretend to be they wouldn't be so busy spending all those hours dumping on others, they would be busy raking in more millions.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Randall Flagg Wrote:If all these clowns were the highly successful millionaires they pretend to be they wouldn't be so busy spending all those hours dumping on others, they would be busy raking in more millions.

Apart from JB, of course, who is really in retirement mode - but still gets regular cheques from Holland and from his $5,000,000+ investments!
Randall Flagg Wrote:If all these clowns were the highly successful millionaires they pretend to be they wouldn't be so busy spending all those hours dumping on others, they would be busy raking in more millions.

Apart from JB, of course, who is really in retirement mode - but still gets regular cheques from Holland and from his $5,000,000+ investments!

Quite correct Dr. Hayes. I forgot about old "Money Bags."
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.

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