HogWasher- not Rich Douglas
I'm glad to be back at the DL fora. It seems haven't changed that much during my time away, the Hogwasher screen name was a thinly veiled front for some RA or No way type. When I left, Rich "Bomber" Douglas and J.B. were both participating here to some degree. What happened? Where are they posting nowadays, still safely within the environs of DegreeDiscussion?
Little Arminius Wrote:I'm glad to be back at the DL fora. It seems haven't changed that much during my time away, the Hogwasher screen name was a thinly veiled front for some RA or No way type. When I left, Rich "Bomber" Douglas and J.B. were both participating here to some degree. What happened? Where are they posting nowadays, still safely within the environs of DegreeDiscussion?

Rich Bomber Douglas and John Mills Bear were just looking to impressed the unwashed masses. They have done this at many sites but quickly head back to the protected environ of DD. Sainz used to try to destroy other sites until he got his own. Also Sainz has to stick with friendly sites because he couldn't handle questions about his fiscal affairs.
Little Arminius Wrote:I'm glad to be back at the DL fora. It seems haven't changed that much during my time away, the Hogwasher screen name was a thinly veiled front for some RA or No way type. When I left, Rich "Bomber" Douglas and J.B. were both participating here to some degree. What happened? Where are they posting nowadays, still safely within the environs of DegreeDiscussion?

Nice to see you back. We missed your witty remarks. Yep, the Bear boys, Daddy and Baby, are both safely back in the cave at DI/DD.

I think their latest effort is "Re-Cycled Toilet Paper for the Poor" good as new I think they claim. Wink You get a free piece of re-cycled gum with every roll.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Thanks, I'm glad to be back, James. I see that the extreme fringe of the RA or No Way crowd only hardened their positions. Even the limited dialogue we had with "Bomber" Douglas, the legend in his own mind John Bear and the superbly educated but absolutely clueless George Gollin has ended. That's fine with me because it brings our basic mission, debunking the myth for the newbies that regional accreditation is the be all and end all as far as higher education is concerned, back into focus.

The secondary goal of exposing the liars, cheats, frauds, incompetents, perverts, deadbeats, social deviates and other assorted weirdos and wackos at DI and DD sometimes seems almost too easy. It really is amazing how DI and DD have each amassed a roster of such total losers and zeroes.
Yes, it is amazing how so many "different" people came together to try and make that nonsense about only their choices being permissible.  If this many frauds and crack-pots came together for any other cause it would be laughed off the internet. Can you imagine this collection of fruits supporting a political candidate, or some social program? The cause would be dead on arrival. But let these failures at life say "RA or No Way" and it gets some level of support on the internet, but much less than they try to claim, and probably mostly from those with the bottom end RA degrees also or those who have been misled due to ignorance.  Now if someone told me they were passing around a social disease, that I could understand.

Many forms of education have value and usage, and nothing they say, no matter how gross the lie, can make this untrue. They tell more than they know and more than they can prove, as always.

We tried to have some level of peace with them, they reneged on the agreement, and, the war continues. As you say, that's fine with me also. Now we can expose their hypocrisy, and their past actions. Hell, a good enemy is better than a friend. You always know where the enemy stands, ON THE OTHER SIDE.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Quote:Yes, it is amazing how so many "different" people came together to try and make that nonsense about only their choices being permissible. If this many frauds and crack-pots came together for any other cause it would be laughed off the internet. Can you imagine this collection of fruits supporting a political candidate, or some social program? The cause would be dead on arrival. But let these failures at life say "RA or No Way" and it gets some level of support on the internet, but much less than they try to claim, and probably mostly from those with the bottom end RA degrees also or those who have been misled due to ignorance. Now if someone told me they were passing around a social disease, that I could understand.

those clowns read like cheap "self-help" $19.99 or "secret forex scheme of the wealthy revealed: turn $10 into $10.000 in a month " ebooks.
what a load of dung!
I got a few (for free, via P2P ) and I just cannot believe how these "ultimate guides" read like.
One pontificating idiot claims his wife was a "professional model" (no less huh? ), but after she cheated on him & left, he taught himself hypnosis and other "bad guy" tricks and now he can literally "order" women to have sex with him or an orgasm as many times as he wishes, and has womanized dozens.
Another loon instructs you to become a self-taught martial artist...you too can in under 6 months reading his book, then women will start falling to your feet; the same suggests you glamourize your job (EG pool boy becomes fluids engineer ).
A third moron recycles (without giving credit) ideas from a better known popcorn psychologist and offers to guide you to three easy steps to lay women basically talking slick (as if...).
Investment miracles usually ask to send ten dollars to a PO box, and they'll "prove" the method is valid sending $100 back...yes, Zimbabwe $, if anything; or some urge you to buy junk stocks "guaranteed to triple within a week", as if it wouldn't be easier to do it themselves...
The DI/DD clique is no better than those junk self-help gurus.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
The key here is the money. Bear provided short little reports, both free- with larger purchases, and for small fees, telling you how to get Unaccredited / Accredited / and even diploma mill degrees. It seems he is now into telling people how to detect the very things he told you how to get involved with, in the past, with his little reports. He sells the reports to you on how to do it, and then rats you out for doing it. Hmmmm, sounds like a guy who would sell you instructions on how to build a new back patio, and then calls the building inspector and rats you out, how NICE.

Chip, of course sold coffee enema materials, cures for cancer, and his biggie, Male Homo Porn, and other so-called natural cures. Though one fInds it hard to see how anything to do with Chip could be natural.


The rest= They have no better place to be, and nothing else to do. It's all they have.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.

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