IL Progtard Maniac Shoots Up GOP Baseball Practice
Hodgkinson seems like the self-reliant type. When he goes postal he throws his rifle in his van, drives to where he can find some of the people he imagines are responsible, and starts blasting.

Unethical George Gollin, on the other hand, is an inept doofus, as he well knows. This actually makes him more dangerous, because he will find 15 other, more capable mental cases to do his dirty work for him. As we have seen, when unethical George Gollin tries to do it himself, he gets sued, convicted and/or publicly humiliated.

Consider, for example, that a relatively small college such as Evergreen State (4,416 students in 2006) is now "under siege" from leftist loonies. How hard would it be for unethical George Gollin to find a similar collection of mental defectives at UIUC (44,087 students in 2015) to do his dirty work for him?

Look at the shabby collection of "students" he managed to assemble for his inept congressional campaign. If unethical George Gollin could convince these naive, gullible kids that he was a viable candidate for public office, what else might he convince them to do?

[Image: StalkerGeorgeGollin04.jpg]
Map to baseball practice field? Check.
AK-47s? Check.
Ammo? Ammo? Shit, who was supposed to bring the fucking ammo?

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RE: IL Progtard Maniac Shoots Up GOP Baseball Practice - by Don Dresden - 06-17-2017, 06:31 PM

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