Some of Thomas Chip White 's (owner of degreeinfo) many domains
How interesting...

Some of Thomas Chip White 's many domains according to the above may notice how many (GAYNUTZ /GAYBUCKS/ CALMODELING etc) do not seem to square with the 1950s mid-town morality supposedly espoused by the esteemed members of DEGREEINFO and DEGREEDISCUSSION, many of whom attained "online distance education status" thanks to him & his website DEGREEINFO.
You also get a domain that might sound millish to some...

Just in case it isn't clear what the above sites deal with...
gay teen porn, that, you 1950s moralists?

Then you get:
1 medical quackery
2 new age quackery
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
But there is more...
this website


Quote: Consumer Protection and Investigations of Internet Accreditation Organizations

The Association of Private Colleges & Universities (APCU) is an exclusive organization concerned with the welfare and protection of the Internet consumer. Our goal is to protect the Internet consumer and to investigate so called "accreditation" organizations that intentionally deceive the Internet consumer - meaning the fraudulent diploma mills that are operating under the pretentious guise of being an established and legitimate college or university. With vast numbers of businesses operating on the Internet, how can you, the consumer, be aware of which businesses are legitimate and which ones are not. With no governing authority to regulate online businesses, the responsibility falls upon individuals or public interest groups, like the APCU.

It seems that unaccredited TRINITY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY boasted accreditation Rolleyes by unrecognized APCU (a name very similar to that of existing organizationsBig Grin).

The APCU-EDU.ORG website was registered along with DEGREEINFO, GAYBUCKS, GAYNUTZ, and about one's reputation.

So in addition to
1 gay teen porn sites
2 medical quackery
3 new age quackery
4 fake therapy sites for alleged teen victims of sexual abuse

Not bad for the sheriff of morality in online education...the champion of the accreditation ministry...Big Grin
(01-17-2011, 10:43 PM)ham Wrote: The APCU-EDU.ORG website was registered along with DEGREEINFO, GAYBUCKS, GAYNUTZ, and about one's reputation.
Reputation? He probably relishes in the fact that his adoring fans aren't smart enough to despise him as much as they should
Quote:The APCU is not an accreditation agency, and makes no claim to be so.
Although it claims to do everything that an accreditation agency would (or at least, should...) do.

Actually, I think I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. It doesn't look like he was trying to make a fake accreditation agency (the diploma mills seem to have been doing that very nicely on their own). It looks like he was trying to make people pay an exorbitant consultancy fee for the information that has already been printed in Bear's Guide.

Speaking of which, thank God for freedom of speech, which permits any elephant's rectum of the species "homo sapien" to cough alphabet soup out of his nostrils and call it "research."
Quote:It looks like he was trying to make people pay an exorbitant consultancy fee for the information that has already been printed in Bear's Guide.

It still begs the question WHY the sheriff of the accreditation cartel thought of buying the domain of a phony accreditor serving phony schools? Perhaps to blur the perspective of any possibly existing link between the 2 under the guise of a "lark"? Just a thought...

Ever heard the queer community bellow the fact that superposing the gay community with merchandising deviants and politicking left wing bozos is a fallacy of google him and find a summa of left wing thought interspersed with compliments towards Barry Soetoro (another phony) and -of course!-
1 medical quackery
2 new age quackery
3 distance education quackery
5 a fleet of sites with fantastic names such as BOYFUNK, GAYNUTZ etc.
6 gay rights about hate fallacies...PFFT!

Just imagine if they had discovered one of their foes had owned the domain of a notorious phony accreditation agency...
But when they are involved, the academic standard drops to fifteen people co-authoring a dissertation that one clown passes off as his own scientific masterpiece...guess what? It's the norm in science...just think about one of their foes having done the same...the bastards think even DETC degrees are close to millish ones.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore

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