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07-28-2010, 02:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2010, 02:32 AM by delafaide.)
The Ecole supérieure Robert de Sorbon received some nasty E-mails from Dr. Gollin signed with his position at the University. We responded to him extremely politely and proved with documents and articles of the code of education that he was totally wrong in slandering us.
I took personally the time to enumerate 18 articles of the French code of education and to mention the declaration of two high ranking French officials about our institution and our right to grant degrees in France.
The only responses were as from Gollin "You are a silly fellow (???) or you are a diploma mill " with no further explanation nor documentation.
In order to convince him that the VAE process at the école supérieure Robert de Sorbon follows the academic rules, we offered him to be part of our VAE Jury in his field of studies to see by himself that our VAE process is serious and legitimate.
It is transparency at its best!
Gollin refused it and expressed more ridiculous "ad hominem" innuendos.
It proves that Dr. Golin is biased and not serious. He prefers to condemn immediately without examining the facts presented or even looking by himself as we generously offered to him a paid position in our VAE jury.
Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon
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Gollin is being sued by St Luke's University or some school like that for trying to extort them.
With God's help we will see this thug taken down and exposed for the lowlife he really is.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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delafaide Wrote:The Ecole supérieure Robert de Sorbon received some nasty E-mails from Dr. Gollin signed with his position at the University. We responded to him extremely politely and proved with documents and articles of the code of education that he was totally wrong in slandering us. I took personally the time to enumerate 18 articles of the French code of education and to mention the declaration of two high ranking French officials about our institution and our right to grant degrees in France. The only responses were as from Gollin "You are a silly fellow (???) or you are a diploma mill " with no further explanation nor documentation. In order to convince him that the VAE process at the école supérieure Robert de Sorbon follows the academic rules, we offered him to be part of our VAE Jury in his field of studies to see by himself that our VAE process is serious and legitimate. It is transparency at its best! Gollin refused it and expressed more ridiculous "ad hominem" innuendos. It proves that Dr. Golin is biased and not serious. He prefers to condemn immediately without examining the facts presented or even looking by himself as we generously offered to him a paid position in our VAE jury.
I don't think anyone who has followed G-G's career as a self-styled expert in education will be at all surprised by this.
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An ad hominem, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), is an attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.[1] The ad hominem is a classic logical fallacy.[2] The argumentum ad hominem is not always fallacious, for in some instances questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue.
Of course, Gollin is not an intellectually honest person so all he can do is engage in such attacks.
Delafaide, may I propose just one word to solve your problem with Mr. Gollin:
This sack of shit already has one suit pending. Maybe if enough people took him to court it would teach him a lesson. [/i]
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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For Gollin it's not about the facts or the issues, it's about self-promotion. He has a boring, dead-end job that doesn't even pay as much as his wife's. He decided to reinvent himself as an "expert" in something he doesn't know anything more about than the average person who read one of Bear's books. He is a fraud and a charlatan.
When you ask him about facts or issues, he can't respond intelligently, because he hasn't troubled himself with even a perfunctory analysis. He gets his "facts" in the hallways at meetings or off internet discussion boards. He plants false stories with gullible news sources and then cites the very same stories as "proof" of his lies.
So don't expect anything more from him than self-serving self-promotion and self-aggrandizing bullshit. Not just because that is all he is capable of, but because that is his only reason for involvement in the first place. He doesn't care who is injured by his lies, he only cares about himself.
As Plato said, "Justice means minding one's own business and not meddling with other men's concerns." We already have seen what happens to hateful bastards like Janko and Israel. I would expect something similar to be cruising down the pike toward Gollin.
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07-28-2010, 11:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2010, 11:47 AM by RespectableGent.)
Herbert Spencer Wrote:For Gollin it's not about the facts or the issues, it's about self-promotion. He has a boring, dead-end job that doesn't even pay as much as his wife's. He decided to reinvent himself as an "expert" in something he doesn't know anything more about than the average person who read one of Bear's books. He is a fraud and a charlatan.
When you ask him about facts or issues, he can't respond intelligently, because he hasn't troubled himself with even a perfunctory analysis. He gets his "facts" in the hallways at meetings or off internet discussion boards. He plants false stories with gullible news sources and then cites the very same stories as "proof" of his lies.
So don't expect anything more from him than self-serving self-promotion and self-aggrandizing bullshit. Not just because that is all he is capable of, but because that is his only reason for involvement in the first place. He doesn't care who is injured by his lies, he only cares about himself.
As Plato said, "Justice means minding one's own business and not meddling with other men's concerns." We already have seen what happens to hateful bastards like Janko and Israel. I would expect something similar to be cruising down the pike toward Gollin.
When Gollin attacked T.Y. Okosun for possessing a "diploma mill" degree he couldn't even get his facts straight. Gollin didn't do any research beyond pefunctory.
Okosun's almamatter, Pacific Western University in California, wasn't a diploma mill. Students were expected to complete a year's worth of coursework to complete their degrees. It's Pacific Western University of Hawaii which was awarding excessive life experience credits.
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I bet professor fifteenboim benefited from Ham's homework once again, as they all have since 2004 or so. The fact that some faceless idiot named Ham who serves fried food for a living could do more in half an hour or so than these self-proclaimed pundits of higher education is highly telling.
Thinking carefully, what would you expect from some idiot who needed an entire soccer team to (co)write the dissertation he passes off as his, while the circus of academic due diligence looks elsewhere oh-so-politely.
His explanation for that does not differ from standard explanation offered by degree mills...oh yes, it looks a bit unusual, but you are clueless and it's just the way it is in ***.
Didn't Bear (could anyone point me to that post?) say that when a seemingly concerned third party bring up the issue of his colorful past, it is enough for him to "explain" it is all about misunderstandings, and the friendly journalist runs a piece on the fantastic DL education if being referred to as operator of dodgy schools in the press such as the TIMES was something one could 'explain'...
A.A Mole University
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Looks like George Gollin's colleagues at UIUC know more about his criminal activities than others do, found this on their Instructors Talk page
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Good cause Wrote:Looks like George Gollin's colleagues at UIUC know more about his criminal activities than others do, found this on their Instructors Talk page
The "instructors" there seem to be talking mainly about marketing pharmaceuticals. They do seem to have some pretty accurate insights into Gollin's character though. Which makes the imperious "remove defamatory material" post from Gollin that much funnier.
Of course simply reporting the true fact that Gollin is being sued for his alleged role in that Liberian shakedown operation is not in any way "defamatory." Another good example of how Gollin tries to manage (i.e., distort, mislead, eradicate) the true reporting about his shenanigans.
He knows that once people learn what he is all about that his dream of Klempner-like relevance will be crushed, just like all his other hopes and aspirations. Which probably explains why he has dedicated his otherwise useless existence to destroying other people's lives and dreams.