Another Gollin Meltdown
I see Gollin is still pissing himself over his bogus alter ego getting deleted here.  

In the thread at DD about Woodcrest University there seems to be some of the usual guesswork and unsupported opinions that pass for "research" there.  The dumbass confab is interrupted by periodic irrational interjections from Gollin--not about Woodcrest but about this website, which as far as I can tell has nothing whatsoever to do with Woodcrest.  

Doing both a google search and using the site search engine I can find no thread here that even mentions Woodcrest.   Another fine example of Gollin's "research" skills.  

The others are politely ignoring him, sort of like when somebody farts in public.  But that’s pretty much what they do on all his threads.  

Gollin clearly has become so obsessed with DLTruth that he can't even function in the dysfunctional fantasy world of DD.  

No George, it's not another one of your paranoid delusions.  
Everybody really is pointing at you and laughing...
[Image: point-and-laugh-300x293.jpg][Image: Gollum_ThayThere.jpg]
It is unsurprising to see the the servile Johann trying to get accepted into the clique by brownnosing; after all, he was the one who wanted to win a debate claiming he had a list of "French universities offering VAE in English"...when asked to provide it, he said it was your problem and took his toys home. So much ado about a degree mill among the thousands out there. If I want a quick degree, ebay is the place.
And look at professor Fifteenboim...happy as a eight years old posting there ten times in a row...perhaps an extra dose of radiation at the lab might struggle to make a difference between a gaming site for teenagers and the abode of DL their own mind of course...
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
I see G-G has more problems at DD:
BROWN TEAL Wrote:I see G-G has more problems at DD:

According to its Wiki, Canturbury University is the school behind

It is interesting that pure mail order degrees like that are perfectly legal to use and tote around under the eyes of the law, as this case establishes, being considered "unaccredited" rather than "fraudulent".

It just goes to show what happens when the CHEA, et all, tries to lump in unaccredited substandard schools under the "diploma mill" label, making no distinction between a school which might be merely substandard and a school which sells degrees.

Hence this is why both types of operations remain legal to operate, and the degrees it issues legal for use. If it was a matter of selling degrees, that could easily be criminalized. But that's not want they want. They want competitors like Kennedy Western gone.

The cutthroat anti-competition tactics of the Higher Education cartel have ensured that out and out diploma mills will forever exist, legally.
RespectableGent Wrote:According to its Wiki, Canturbury University is the school behind
It is interesting that pure mail order degrees like that are perfectly legal to use and tote around under the eyes of the law, as this case establishes, being considered "unaccredited" rather than "fraudulent".
It just goes to show what happens when the CHEA, et all, tries to lump in unaccredited substandard schools under the "diploma mill" label, making no distinction between a school which might be merely substandard and a school which sells degrees. Hence this is why both types of operations remain legal to operate, and the degrees it issues legal for use. If it was a matter of selling degrees, that could easily be criminalized. But that's not want they want. They want competitors like Kennedy Western gone. The cutthroat anti-competition tactics of the Higher Education cartel have ensured that out and out diploma mills will forever exist, legally.

Good post RG.
Hopefully we will now see G-G retire from his 'evil' activities - activities that are most definitely not those that one would expect from a professor employed by an 'accredited' university! But as he is still employed we can possibly assume that his extra-mural activities are well supported by his employer?

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