Why Is George Gollin So Full of Hate?
[Image: GollinHater02.jpg][Image: GollinHater02.jpg][Image: GollinHater02.jpg]

Quote:George Gollin is a University of Illinois science teacher who claims to be an “expert” in accreditation—despite having no formal education or training on the topic.

“These sons of bitches who smell money are just using the situation there for their own ends,” says George Gollin. “They’re monsters. They’re just disgusting monsters.”

Who is George Gollin talking about?  Perhaps it’s the pedophile-pandering gay pornographer who ran the website where George Gollin made 1,280 posts?  No, not a word about that from George Gollin.

Maybe it’s that woman who sold 386 mutant lab pigs to the public for food, and got cited by the FDA for violating federal health laws?  That was no woman, that was his wife, Melanie Loots, and no comment on that from George Gollin either.

Or could it perhaps have been that gay Oregon bureaucrat who was adjudged by a US federal court to be an anti-Christian bigot and civil rights violator?  Nope, that was George Gollin’s “collaborator” Alan Contreras, to whom George Gollin sent all the slanderous web pages his employer ordered him to remove from their server.

No, George Gollin is talking about people like Dr. Jerroll Dolphin.  

All Dr. Jerroll Dolphin wanted was to bring doctors and medical care to the poor, sick and dying of Liberia, an African country in the throes of violent chaos and civil war.  Against all odds he nearly succeeded, opening St. Luke School of Medicine, obtaining government accreditation, and even graduating medical doctors who achieved an excellent 88% pass rate on national medical board exams.

Thanks to Dr. Dolphin’s efforts, for the first time in ten years doctors brought medicine to hundreds suffering in refugee camps. Twenty-five new doctors were licensed, many of whom paid nothing at all in tuition for their education.

But then the rebels controlling the education system in Liberia began demanding a $6,000 a month bribe from Dr. Dolphin and St. Luke.  When the school refused to pay George Gollin went into action, court documents allege.  

Acting as a “consultant” to the corrupt Liberian regime, court documents allege that George Gollin began a campaign to slander St. Luke as an illegal “diploma mill” operation.

As a result of George Gollin’s alleged treachery, St. Luke School of Medicine could not provide the doctors and medical care that the African people so desperately needed.  And without such care, untold numbers of African men, women and children suffered needlessly and died cruelly.  

Now Dr. Dolphin and St. Luke School of Medicine are suing George Gollin and the University of Illinois in a California federal court. Dolphin already has obtained a $120 million judgment against some of the defendants in an African court.  

But who is really the “monster” using the Liberian situation for his own ends?  The answer is written in the blood of dead African babies.
Get over it...
If 'Nazis' RolleyesBig Grin had done the exact same thing, media would pin 0.98765432 millions dead Africans on to their vile resume by now.
But it's not them...it's someone else who is with big brother as of now...
As a result, the only casualty is 0.3 dead Africans...and since there is no such thing as 0.3 dead, there are no victims at all...understand?
You MUST learn to politely turn the page to sports...
Hell, didn't John Bear tell that when one-in-a-million reporter asks about his well-documented and turbulent past as owner/promoter etc of highly 'problematic' schools he now refers to as diploma mills, it is enough for him to give a brief 'explanation' and the reporter is satisfied to go ahead interviewing mister-distance-learning-authority-legitimate-degrees-only.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Its projection. Gollin is a control freak who built a career on destroying the careers and reputations of anyone who opposed his "crusade" on destroying unaccredited institutions or any institution which does not conform to what he believes higher education should be. He himself has an unearned PHD and took credit for other people's work.

Gollin is but one member of the accreditation mafia, a sinister organization which uses threats, intimidation, extortion and lies to do harm to others.

And he has the nerve to use the term "monsters?"

I personally believe in Karma. And hopefully Gollin's Karma will catch up to him very soon.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Friedrich Nietzsche Wrote:He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.
Virtual Bison Wrote:Its projection.

You beat me to the punch.  My thought exactly.  See earlier thread on that exact topic.  

Or as we non-medical types call it, "completely nucking futs."

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