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This time it's American University for Humanities - Mississippi, Colorado, Lebanon etc.
The school lists American Academy of Liberal Education accreditation for the Georgia, Lebanon, and Singapore schools.
Tbilisi Campus College, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, was elected as a fully accredited member by AALE for a period of 10 years starting July 1, 2005.
AUfH program at Arts, Sciences and Technology University in Lebanon, Jadra Campus, Lebanon, was elected as a fully accredited member by AALE to December 21, 2009, extendable to December 2011.
AUfH program at Lee Community College, Singapore, was elected as a fully accredited member by AALE to December 21, 2009, extendable to December 2011.
AUfH program at Urartu University for Practical Psychology and Sociology, Armenia, is an Applicant Member of AALE with expected date of accreditation 2009/2010
AUfH program at Mashdots College, Glendale, California, USA, is an Applicant Member of AALE with expected date of accreditation 2009/2010
The Colorado Campus of the University is an Applicant Member of AALE with expected date of accreditation 2009/2010.
AALE website:
It's back to the whole problem with lists. When someone with limited talent who's challenged for ambition tries to maintain a list it is inevitably wrong. It could be someone's life's work checking out Contreras's scewups.
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AALE is a specialized accreditation agency recognized by the US Department of Education.
However, it is not CHEA recognized, which may be the source of the problem.
(page 2)
When you get two anti-Christian bigots like homosexual Alan Contreras and CHEA director George Gollin together, this is the sort of perverted results you get.
Did Contreras ever take those remedial courses in defamation law he was required to take in that humiliating settlement with KWU? Doesn't look like he's retained very much if he did.
Given Contreras's history as an adjudicated civil rights violator and anti-religious bigot, as well as the aforementioned remedial course requirement, you would think somebody at AUH would be at least considering taking legal action against the State of Oregon for making such blatantly false and damaging statements on their official website.
And just how much longer will Oregon taxpayers tolerate anti-religious bigots who put their increasingly scarce tax dollars at risk in order to pursue a personal agenda of hatred and oppression?
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Here's why Gay Al and his CHEA pals hate AALE schools: EVERY US-based college that AALE currently accredits (as shown on their website) is founded on Christian principles. In case the names alone aren't enough, check their webpages, as quoted below.
That Gay Al is attacking AALE members on his government website is not just another example of his abject stupidity and incompetence. It's clear that it is part of adjudicated anti-Christian bigot Alan Contreras's continuing attack on Christians, Christian values, and organized religion. If a pervert like Gay Al wanted a bunch of small, religion-based schools all in one pot to take a dump on, this is it.
American Pathways University
Denver, CO
Quote:University Values
The core values of American Pathways University are embodied in The Apostles Creed, Christian liberal arts education, the American experience, and democratic institutions.
Ave Maria University
Naples, FL
Quote:Founded in fidelity to Christ and His Church in response to the call of Vatican II for greater lay witness in contemporary society, Ave Maria University exists to further teaching, research, and learning at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the abiding tradition of Catholic thought in both national and international settings. The University takes as its mission the sponsorship of a liberal arts education curriculum dedicated, as articulated in the apostolic constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae, to the advancement of human culture, the promotion of dialogue between faith and reason, the formation of men and women in the intellectual and moral virtues of the Catholic faith, and to the development of professional and pre-professional programs in response to local and societal needs. As an institution committed to Catholic principles, the University recognizes the importance of creating and maintaining an environment in which faith informs the life of the community and takes expression in all its programs.
Holy Spirit College
Atlanta, GA
Quote:Holy Spirit College is a constituent member of Universitas Catholica: a dynamic grouping of independent Catholic educational apostolate comprising Holy Spirit College, Holy Spirit Preparatory School, Sophia Press, The Universitas Catholic Speakers Bureau and Solidarity School.
At Holy Spirit College our goal is to educate the mind, body, and soul in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.
St. Mary's College
Moraga, CA
Quote:We're a Catholic, Lasallian, liberal arts college, and we're rooted in the life and work of Saint John Baptist de la Salle, founder of the Christian Brothers and the patron saint of teachers. Our traditions and heritage inform everything we do. At Saint Mary's you'll discover your capacity for transformative action as well as profound reflection.
Magdalen College
Warner, NH
Quote:Magdalen College is a Catholic liberal arts college located in Warner, New Hampshire. Founded in 1973, the College offers a classical curriculum taught in Socratic seminar classes together with a four-year sequence of catechesis and introductory theology courses.
Students are exposed to a rigorous study of primary texts in small tutorials and live an authentic Catholic common life by means of which they recieve an integrated education and formation in Catholic spiritual, intellectual, moral, and social values.
St. Andrew's Presbyterian College
Laurinburg, NC
Quote:The mission of St. Andrews Presbyterian College is to educate its students to be knowledgeable and imaginative servant-leaders well prepared for a lifetime of learning, leadership and service in an ever-changing and interdependent world. ...
Four-year, church-related, co-educational liberal arts and sciences institution
St. Basil's College
Stamford, CT
Quote:St. Basil College is the only four year Ukrainian Catholic College in the United States; the Ukrainian Catholic community is justly proud of what it has accomplished in the years since its members came to these shores as immigrants seeking a better life. This community has made significant sacrifices to ensure that its religion and culture will endure and contribute to American culture. It is a tribute to its spirit and spirtuality that it has exerted, and continues to exert, a cultural and spiritual influence in the United States through its graduates, both priests and lay people.
St. John's College
Annapolis, MD
Quote:The St. John's charter of 1784 reflects the ideals of the new nation. The charter was most likely written by the Rev. William Smith, one of the founders of the Protestant Episcopal Church, America's version of the Church of England. Collaborating with Smith were the Rev. John Carroll, a Jesuit, and the Rev. Patrick Allison, who spoke for the Presbyterians and other dissenting sects like the Anabaptists, Methodists, and Quakers. Thus the charter represents a melding of the ideas of all the state's religions.
Southern Catholic College
Dawsonville, GA
Quote:Founded in 2000 as the first Catholic college in Georgia, Southern Catholic College promotes:- Christian inspiration in individuals and the community;
- reflection and research on human knowledge in the light of the Catholic faith;
- fidelity to the Christian message in conformity with the magisterium of the church; and,
- institutional commitment to the service of others.
Southern Virginia University
Buena Vista, VA
Quote:We serve faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and welcome all who live our values.
We accomplish our mission by providing the finest undergraduate education available in letters, arts, and sciences within a wholesome Latter-day Saint environment.
Thomas Aquinas College
Santa Paula, California
Quote:The College's program of Catholic liberal education is unique in American higher education.
Fundamental in the Catholic intellectual tradition is the conviction that learning means discovering and growing in the truth about reality. It is the truth that sets men free and nothing else. Since truth concerns both natural and supernatural matters, the College's
program has both natural and divine wisdom as its ultimate objectives.
The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts
Merrimack, NH
Quote:The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts is a private educational community directed by lay members of the Roman Catholic Church. The Trustees, Administrators, Faculty, and Staff of the College all pledge unreserved fidelity to the Catholic Faith and undivided loyalty to the local ordinary, the Bishop of Manchester, and to the Vicar of Christ, our Holy Father the Pope.
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I guess that explains why Gollin and Contreras hate AALE. They are mostly Christian schools and their tolerance of Christian schools is non-existant.
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I assume that George Gollin still has a job because of tenure. What about Anal Al Contreras? How is it possible that this butt pirate still has a job with the state of Oregon?
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Geoff Vankirk Wrote:How is it possible that this butt pirate still has a job with the state of Oregon?
I suspect it's something along the same lines as how Lefkowitz got credit for "Society & Sexual Variations" at TESC.