04-30-2009, 10:38 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2009, 10:39 PM by ham.)
It seems dodgy "school" :roll: Université francophone Robert de Sorbon alternatively called Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon has replicated itself: http://augustinedu.com/
When the site loads you can clearly see it loads from good old "Sorbon" site...
I am interested to hear what the school's representatives say to explain how or why does Université francophone Robert de Sorbon alternatively called Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon run http://augustinedu.com/ advertised as "French university located in Wallis"...
as suggested by this connection: http://augustinedu.com/experience.html
Quote:This is the temporary site of Saint Augustin University, a Catholic university, which will be located in Florida, and will operate under Section 1005.06(1)(f) of the Florida statutes.
Remember Florida was the nest of now departed "université" under the leadership of shady & dodgy evaluator mr. Prade.
The Sorbon franchise really cares about gullible suckers...ehm...valued students who need full service: http://ceede.com/
This is the branch of the franchise specialized in evaluating degrees...
So now we can add Wallis to the prestigious :roll: roster of top-shelf accreditations the Sorbon franchise has boasted over time: France, USA, Comoros...
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
So now poor Ham looks like an incompetent loon who makes things up...
Not so...
See attached...
My grandmother always told me to take up physics to grow really smart...I ended up as first fry cook .
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Association Ecole Supérieure Universitaire Robert de Sorbon,
Tel: +33***43
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
07-12-2010, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2010, 06:28 PM by ham.)
BROWN TEAL Wrote:But Ham you were reciting this in 2004 when ESRS first opened - that's 6 years down the track.
On this channel only G-G was supposed to bite.
Please...the klones are going to get a good laugh from these arguments and feel authorized to trash even legitimate unaccredited schools because the same devil advocacy is used to defend blatant mills. I assumed you had your hands full with the fights you have to pick in order to defend your degrees...why do you pick someone else's battles? Unless you are affiliated with them, too...
1. ESRDS has NOT been in operation for six years. UFRDS was, but université folded, as Prade explained to the press.
Quote:On its current Web site, Ecole Superieure Robert de Sorbon describes itself as a class of accredited institution that under French law can award degrees based on life experience. It says applicants pay a fee of about $75 and, if accepted, pay a tuition of about $750. A panel of scholars evaluates the applicant's work history and grants a degree 60 days later.-...-
Prade said Universite Robert de Sorbon no longer exists and that he and AUAP are not affiliated with it. Of Ecole Superieure Robert de Sorbon, he said, "It is an institution of higher learning."
I will go as far as saying the maybe they had registered the ASSOCIATION ESRDS in 2004...but they only used UFRDS then, which makes the stressed point of 'in existence' rather commodious; the again, they have perhaps Académie or Séminaire Sorbon in store, too.
Quote:L'Université francophone Robert de Sorbon est accréditée par l'académie Anjouan Union des Comores, membre de l'agence intergouvernentale de la francophonie.
and -at the same time-
Quote:Université Nord Américaine sans but lucratif observant les règles d'équivalences universitaires de la Loi du 17 janvier 2002 et des USA (USCIS)
Which is which?
Is the thing French...Comorean...American...all of it...none of it?
Come on, let's be serious...
3. From time to time a remark is made about my favorite unaccredited 'school' : if Université francophone Robert de Sorbon alternatively called Ecole Supérieure Robert de Sorbon is illegal, why didn't the French shut it down?
An explanation is offered on this site in German. legal loopholes.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
ham Wrote:An explanation is offered on this site in German. legal loopholes.
But Ham, all what you preach is the same stuff you recited in 2005/6 and it is now totally incorrect - and totally outdated. And is precisely what I'd expect to see of that other channel, or from Dooglearse on this channel!
ham Wrote:An explanation is offered on this site in German. legal loopholes.
But Ham, all what you preach is the same stuff you recited in 2005/6 and it is now totally incorrect - and totally outdated. And is precisely what I'd expect to see of that other channel, or from Dooglearse on this channel!
I just suggest anyone considering this seller to contact their French embassy and ask for a statement in writing about the status of Sorbon degrees and their equipollence with mainstream French degrees. I have and it was not what the Sorbon crew wants you to believe.
Of course you need not to believe a faceless ghost named Ham, but you need not to believe other faceless ghosts, either: check with French authorities in person.
Dr. Duck: I thought you had your hands full with all the battles fought to defend YOUR degrees/schools...why do you bother fighting other people's battles?
And yes, the Sorbon franchise was fishy in 2004 and still is today...
Come on!
Ph.D de doctorat?
It is Docteur ès in France...
Doctorat and Ph.D mean the same thing.
So you get a phony title that does not even exist.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
ham Wrote:Dr Duck: I thought you had your hands full with all the battles fought to defend YOUR degrees/schools...why do you bother fighting other people's battles?
I have in fact never felt the need to defend my KU degree. What I have done is outline the KU structure and the process regarding my degree. I have also mentioned that KU operated quite legally in Denmark for 20 years.
My KU degree has worked well for me, just as it has with other KU degree holders here - and throughout the world. So please stop preaching the importance of state control in education.
The fact that you preach the philosophy that all private universities are degree mills is not, in my opinion, in line with what DL Truth is all about.
And regardless of what you dictate ESRS has functioned legally in France since 2004 - but is obviously a thorn in the side of state controlled education.
07-14-2010, 03:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2010, 03:15 PM by ham.)
Quote:The fact that you preach the philosophy that all private universities are degree mills is not, in my opinion, in line with what DL Truth is all about.
Define all, please.
I don't think I ever said 'all', nor did I discuss 'all'.
Quote:The Extension.—This consists in carrying your opponent's proposition beyond its natural limits; in giving it as
general a signification and as wide a sense as possible, so as to exaggerate it; and, on the other hand, in giving
your own proposition as restricted a sense and as narrow limits as you can, because the more general a
statement becomes, the more numerous are the objections to which it is open.
Second, I don't think this site is for advocating or defending milled or 'problematic' degrees. Different people have different ideas about what is acceptable, but I did not see mills being promoted in all cases here as legitimate except in your case.
Quote:ESRS has functioned legally in France since 2004
1 is it illegal to buy a 'karate black belt' or 'paratrooper' I.D online? In most jurisdictions, no, it isn't forbidden, and the business selling it operates legally.
2 if buying this 'paratrooper I.D' is legal, does it make me a real, licensed paratrooper?
Yes or No?
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
ham Wrote:It is it illegal to buy a 'karate black belt' or 'paratrooper' I.D online? In most jurisdictions, no, it isn't forbidden, and the business selling it operates legally.
2 if buying this 'paratrooper I.D' is legal, does it make me a real, licensed paratrooper? Yes or No?
Afraid you've missed my point completely - which is that De Sorbon would not have been operating in France for 6-years if it was not legalised to do so. To me you appear to hate all educational establishments that are not state controlled.
Afraid you are likely to be out on a limb on this one, but perhaps you'd like to comment on some of the other non-state controlled universities elsewhere in the world - around 5,000 of them - with lots of them in the USA.
Legal loopholes are the reason why they haven't been shut down...simple as that and already seen in a number of jurisdictions...states known for being easy on diploma mills suddenly 'crack down' and the great legal thing disappear...
tell me...
If the operation was so "legalised to do so", why did université Sorbon fold, as Prade declared to the press?
And now you'll run the tape from the beginning and tell me I am fat, or that I hate 'all' unaccredited schools... No wait, perhaps you will say that credentials in MY signature are REALLY bogus, while yours (or Sorbon, whatever) only APPEAR questionable to jaded minds, but are 'legal'...
The answer is the issue of unaccredited schools does not involve me in the slightest. I don't care. If it's good for you, buy it. But don't try to bullsh!t me saying it's as marketable, legit, approved, whatever as Harvard extension, ok?
As I said, you have plenty of battles of your own to fight...
Another way to see milled degrees beside the vanity point...you self-publish a book...it may be as good or as bad as it can be depending on the content, right?
1 You publish it with a known self-publishing company...
2 You buy a ISBN and go on cover as the publisher "Great scholarly academic press", or hire premium vanity presses to lend more credibility to the operation...the equivalent of all the fraudulent mill schemes.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore