Kizmet and her pals at it again
KEISIE was suddenly discovered by a degreeinfo member, after being discussed at degreeboard for quite a long time. After I mentioned this to Dr. Wayne Bottiger, he commented on the thread on degreeinfo.

The response was in the usual degreeinfo manner: Rude, sarcastic, and ironic.

It sure would be nice to have monopoly on intelligence, as all the degreeinfo posters seems to think they have......

NB! Please note the totally different approach to a discussion being presented by the members of degreeinfo versus Dr. Bottiger. This is yet again a true illustration of hostility versus seriousness.

The fact that a young male queer fairy had to damage his exhaust's muscles to pay for today's bandwidth at degreeinfo tells more than gigabytes of posts by the usual bunch of 'funny internet people' (deviants, gay teen pornographers, millists, mountebanks...) who -on one hand- claim to have a life and to shovel money doing nuclear surgery or whatever baloney they're telling this week...on the other hand their life revolves around crappy websites 'covering for' their 'friends'...
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Kizmet is commenting that a Korean document presented could be a grocery list.  Does she not realize that maybe she should interpret it before trashing it.  No shortage of ignorance at degreeinfo and they found themslves a prize.  It's amazing how people can criticize others based on their own ignorance and they choose to remain ignorant.  The xenophobia shows through because a Korean own school lacks US accreditation and is criticized for it. Why didn't they just call the school a bunch of money grubbing gooks like they truly believe. Racist fools.

Then the mighty ursus reads that the corporation is incorporated in Arkansas and runs a school out of Korea to which he contacts Arkansas education authorities to determine whether they are legally operating a school that doesn't operate in Arkansas.  What a fool.

Another fool points out that Arkansas is a diploma mill prone state and we find that it only permits accredited schools.  Another fool. I guess he was simply extending his personal belief that Southerners are a bunch of inbred hillbillies.
Quote:The xenophobia shows through because a Korean own school lacks US accreditation and is criticized for it. Why didn't they just call the school a bunch of money grubbing gooks like they truly believe. Racist fools.

An Estonian publisher stirred up debate publishing a calendar to commemorate the men who fought allied with Germany during WWII...maybe THAT will interest them...
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
ham Wrote:An Estonian publisher stirred up debate publishing a calendar to commemorate the men who fought allied with Germany during WWII...maybe THAT will interest them...

To attribute Nazi sympathies to Eastern European allies of Germany is probably a mistake. While leadership with such sympathies emerged and committed atracities alongside the Nazis, the politics of small Eastern European countries had everything to do with national survival.

The Soviet Russians killed as many as 12 million Ukrainians. They were our allies. Does this mean we supported such killings? It simply means that we had common interests.

WWII was the 1,000th war in a series and was about borders and power politics like the other 999. While the genocide cannot be ignored, it was not a motivating factor for anyone, did not affect the course of the war, and was not part of the ultimate resolution.

This is the Kizmet that probably You'd like to have home...

Quote:To attribute Nazi sympathies to Eastern European allies of Germany is probably a mistake. While leadership with such sympathies emerged and committed atracities alongside the Nazis, the politics of small Eastern European countries had everything to do with national survival.

There are many ministers and heads of State these days who have been high official in real communist parties, not just what morons call a Nazi today, which ranges from religious extremists, nordicists, survivalists, hardcore libertarians to old school super-conservatives.
Well, maybe Germany's propaganda about European unity was just their nice way to get what they wanted, but why would it be more dishonorable to buy propaganda from Germany than it is buying propaganda from the USA, which the West is still doing?
Come on...
Hitler lied and played tricks, and the usual bunch of funny people tell the masses that they ought to have raised in arms...fine...Bush and Blair lied, played tricks and even admitted they did so...did anyone do more than re-electing them?
Everybody has seen at least a few clips from Vietnam showing roasted people, not to mention the USSR's side...
I didn't notice any mass upheaval to avenge that, although that has been used as a polemic item by the competition.
There is the televised Galbraith admission that killing tens of thousands children in Iraq was worth the that youtube mysteriously censored...
Spin doctors even go on TV and write books detailing how they washed the brains of the unwashed and orchestrated this and that conspiracy...their own word...some even comment on how gullible people are. Did you see any mob storming the local government house advocating a change of regime?
Of course words tell all...terrorism<>counter-violence...invasion<>peace-keeping...
Why would such common double standards sound like bunk only when Germany is involved?
In THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS James Bond refers to Talibans etc as "our friends fighting for freedom" or something...
In 1970 there was martial law and military occupation in Quebec...local elites in cahoots with big brother wanted to settle the score with dissidents (incarcerated by the thousands ) under the pretext of a few communist phonies who wanted to play hard.
So big brother did it and then stated it'd do it again...similar measures by the democratic Weimar republic led Hitler to power...
Did you see any mob raising with teary eyes demanding a new regime...?
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
ham Wrote:In 1970 there was martial law and military occupation in Quebec...local elites in cahoots with big brother wanted to settle the score with dissidents (incarcerated by the thousands ) under the pretext of a few communist phonies who wanted to play hard.

Reporter: How far are you going to go.
Trudeau: Watch me!

The only memorable quote from an otherwise incompetent idiot. I loved it. The Liberals locked up anyone they didn't like on the pretext of an apprehended insurrection. WTF is an apprehended insurrection? Everyone knew it was BS but I don't know what they told the soldiers. 10 years later I discussed the matter with a Canadian Airborne Regiment sergeant and he believed the party the party line that the government was then about to be overthrown. He said he almost shot some Van Doos because he was told that any non-Airborne soldiers in their zone would be fake. Having English speaking soldiers shoot some French speaking soldiers in downtown Montreal would have done wonders for national unity.

Anyway Trudeau is dead and the world is a better place.
Quote:Anyway Trudeau is dead and the world is a better place.

Thinking that Trudeau was so evil his gesture was unique is an error.
Bourassa lent him support and after the fact they jointly declared they'd do it again.
'Counter-terrorist' paramilitary networks called GLADIO were in place in various western countries, masterminded by CIA but enlisting all kinds of 'funny' anticommunist people, including several that rank n.1 in some 'atrocity surviving head hunters' black list...
In Italy, all was admitted in Parliament, even by heads of State...any action taken? Any mob raiding the headquarters of the ruling party asking for change?
Truman (?) signed the "100 men law", in which he openly admitted a few 'professionals' formerly associated with Nazism would be brought to America to help...a-political professionals who were not convinced Nazis, and anyways just a few of them.
There are people, however, who have said to have seen rooms after rooms filled floor to ceiling with dossiers of these whitewashed 'German professionals' the early 70s CIA hurried to destroy huge masses of archives...
The Japanese general in charge of bacteriological warfare was pardoned and enlisted...although he was a war criminal who performed 'atrocities' on prisoners, including Americans.
Of the many and extremely vocal 'atrocity surviving head hunters', none ever touched these questions with a ten meters pole; yet, if 16yo skinheads spraypaint objectionable symbols or slogans, they're likely to get extensive press coverage.
Can you say none had political sympathies for Trudeau?
That none wanted him or Truman in power?
That all was a mistake triggered by survival?
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Trudeau's reaction to the FLQ crisis of 1970 didn't bother me a bit. Most of the people arrested probably deserved it anyhow for being loud mouthed asses.

The major reason I dislike Trudeau is the divisive tactics he used to win elections. The National Energy Program where Alberta got $9 per barrel for $50 oil and the feds taxed the rest was among my favorites. Alberta went from an unbelievable boom to poverty. The Calgary skyline was punctuated with half-finished high-rises for the next 5 or more years. Alberta had not been an especially wealthy province compared to Ontario and Quebec and the first significant wealth it generated was confiscated. The stupidity was that Alberta was driving the national economy and everyone got hurt so Easterners could have cheap gas. I'll never forgive the bastard for the pain I suffered personally, the only time I was ever unemployed. Some day before I die, I will have to make a pilgrimage to Montreal to pee on his grave.

One columnist, whose name escapes me, upon hearing of Trudeau's resignation remarked that he'd believe it when he saw him buried on a crossroads, at midnight, with a stake through his heart.

ham, you're the expert. I've met dozen's of Quebecois and generally they seem like nice, normal, ordinary people. WTF is going on with Quebec politics? They seem to choose principles over pragmatics 9 times out of 10.
Quote:Trudeau's reaction to the FLQ crisis of 1970 didn't bother me a bit. Most of the people arrested probably deserved it anyhow for being loud mouthed asses.

That is what Hitler's (or Stalin's ) supporters thought, exactly.
I dislike the hippie/communist/FLQ rabble more than anything, but we can't equate one reaction with 'well deserved' on one end and with 'horror' on the other.

Quote:ham, you're the expert. I've met dozen's of Quebecois and generally they seem like nice, normal, ordinary people. WTF is going on with Quebec politics? They seem to choose principles over pragmatics 9 times out of 10.

Well, I am NO expert, but if the place where you live were sold to or conquered by China and you were told it's alright and you 'just' have to live with a different majority, you wouldn't be very pleased...
I find their constructed self-perception of half-a$$ 'socialist' state and cartoonish 'freedom front' tactic rather ridiculous, but I cannot deny the underlying truth. Their marxist lingo is a poor excuse for a political agenda, but PQ was born in the era of hippies and decolonization, so poor ignorant kétains just happened to self-identify with a new Cuba...which heavily conflicts with the reason to start it all...if all they want is a French-speaking, anodyne melting pot full of Arabs, African-Caribbeans, Indochinese etc, then it's hard to see why Canada's multiculturalism is that bad after all...
The old clerical symbolism of LA LANGUE GARDIENNE DE LA FOI and LA RACE CANADIENNE-FRANCAISE made much more can't endorse the marxist axiom that divides people only according to income level or position in the assembly line AND then push the French-speaking agenda based on the fact that JE ME SOUVIENS of Nouvelle France.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore

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