This is the Kizmet that probably You'd like to have home...
Quote:To attribute Nazi sympathies to Eastern European allies of Germany is probably a mistake. While leadership with such sympathies emerged and committed atracities alongside the Nazis, the politics of small Eastern European countries had everything to do with national survival.
There are many ministers and heads of State these days who have been high official in real communist parties, not just what morons call a Nazi today, which ranges from religious extremists, nordicists, survivalists, hardcore libertarians to old school super-conservatives.
Well, maybe Germany's propaganda about European unity was just their nice way to get what they wanted, but why would it be more dishonorable to buy propaganda from Germany than it is buying propaganda from the USA, which the West is still doing?
Come on...
Hitler lied and played tricks, and the usual bunch of funny people tell the masses that they ought to have raised in arms...fine...Bush and Blair lied, played tricks and even admitted they did so...did anyone do more than re-electing them?
Everybody has seen at least a few clips from Vietnam showing roasted people, not to mention the USSR's side...
I didn't notice any mass upheaval to avenge that, although that has been used as a polemic item by the competition.
There is the televised Galbraith admission that killing tens of thousands children in Iraq was worth the that youtube mysteriously censored...
Spin doctors even go on TV and write books detailing how they washed the brains of the unwashed and orchestrated this and that conspiracy...their own word...some even comment on how gullible people are. Did you see any mob storming the local government house advocating a change of regime?
Of course words tell all...terrorism<>counter-violence...invasion<>peace-keeping...
Why would such common double standards sound like bunk only when Germany is involved?
In THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS James Bond refers to Talibans etc as "our friends fighting for freedom" or something...
In 1970 there was martial law and military occupation in Quebec...local elites in cahoots with big brother wanted to settle the score with dissidents (incarcerated by the thousands ) under the pretext of a few communist phonies who wanted to play hard.
So big brother did it and then stated it'd do it again...similar measures by the democratic Weimar republic led Hitler to power...
Did you see any mob raising with teary eyes demanding a new regime...?