OREGON like LIBERIA? Same practice followed
OREGON LIKE LIBERIA OR EAST TIMOR? same practice followed? ?

For access to Australia's 24 hour, 7 day a week higher education credential verification system (degreeoftruth Australia), click on the following link: http://www.higheredconsulting.com.au/links.html

HigherEd Consulting has been appointed as the Australasian principal evaluator for the Office of Degree Authorisation, State of Oregon, United States of America

The degreeinfo/discussion board clique at its best.
Now let's turn the audio off while they're yelling abuse: let's ponder the following.

Some of the most prominent Nigeria degree mills had this in common: unbeknowst to the official authority & without any legislative intervention, some bureaucrat at the local higher education office would "let believe" that dodgy institution A, B or C was "accredited" or "registered" through said higher education office, commission, whatever.
At times they even had some low key bureaucrats at some embassy answering emails for "verification".
Said bureaucrats were on the payroll of such dodgy schools.

Now, if we read above, we see mr.Alan Contreras "lets believe" mr.George Brown is Oregon's official "degree evaluator" for AU & NZ.
Brown pushes the envelope further exactly as degree mills do & on his website he instantly becomes "appointed"...
it sounds exactly like the dodgiest poste restante LA business, right?

Brown forgets to ask himself all those poignant and erudite questions he would any "school" not pimped by the clique.
In fact the use of the word "accredited" has a precise meaning.
So -in an hypothesis- Brown could "validate" one's Hawaii degree, and that would officially become a full fledged OREGON degree...right?
Oh, no...how do i ever think about it?
He is moral...he just cannot do harm...he didn't spot Thomas Chip White's porn core business in the open because of fervent free speech beliefs...
Again, same pattern as those Nigeria schemes.

Of course if we ask mr.Contreras, he'll just say what the busted african bureaucrats said: that he cannot "appoint" anyone. That due procedure of law hasn't been followed and anyways his intention was just to share information & to recommend one -among many- business he thought legitimate or useful.

Brown just tries to boost his unknown degree validation business misrepresenting its nature to potential buyers.
Same as degree mills do.
Someday he'll say his other cuisine-hospitality sites have been "accredited" as Oregon's official food catering service...but i bet souffles arrive on Contreras' table pretty bleak and coffee is ice cold, from way down in Australia.

Of course now they'll say i'm nit picking...but the devil is in the details, as they tell us over&over about subtilities, meaning of words etc.
Now this (as many others) post doesn't contain any far fetched conspiracy scheme; no profanity; nothing but a few facts, but they will still hide in terror and avoid confrontation.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
So Oregon's state approval is being done by George Brown. One doubts that is really the case. Brown is hyping again (probably) or Contreras is a bigger fool than I thought. Either way it makes the whole thing look and smell BAD.

These boys never tire of talking about themselves, do they?? They see that it worked for John Bear and Frank Abagnale and hope to cash in themselves. They say a sucker is born every day, maybe, but it's also possible the suckers are tired of paying these clowns for piss poor advice and incorrect information.

Example=MIGS was not what Bear and Douglas said it was. And they told their lies for more than a year, before jumping ship and turning on dear old MIGS. Once good, and then a joke, now dead, but Bear and Douglas rode that poor old horse to death trying to convince us it was a fine race horse. It was just an illegally operating (it was never licensed anywhere in the U.S.) school that never went beyond a joke. But these experts??? Rolleyes did their best to sell it, so Douglas could get a Ph.D. from some toilet.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Randall Flagg Wrote:So Oregon's state approval is being done by George Brown.  One doubts that is really the case.  Brown is hyping again (probably) or Contreras is a bigger fool than I thought.  Either way it makes the whole thing look and smell BAD.

These boys never tire of talking about themselves, do they??  They see that it worked for John Bear and Frank Abagnale and hope to cash in themselves.  They say a sucker is born every day, maybe, but it's also possible the suckers are tired of paying these clowns for piss poor advice and incorrect information.  

Example=MIGS was not what Bear and Douglas said it was. And they told their lies for more than a year, before jumping ship and turning on dear old MIGS.  Once good, and then a joke, now dead, but Bear and Douglas rode that poor old horse to death trying to convince us it was a fine race horse. It was just an illegally operating (it was never licensed anywhere in the U.S.) school that never went beyond a joke. But these experts???  Rolleyes  did their best to sell it, so Douglas could get a Ph.D. from some toilet.

Oh, don't get me started. Smile Then there is the Sheila Danzig ownership of MIGS who was an investor in SRU and provided their "credential evaluation" saying MIGS is equal to any RA school. Not to mention all of her "less than wonderful" work in helping terrorists get into the states. Just put her name in Google and look at all the fine work she does.


Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"

ImmigrationPortal Forums - View Profile: Sheila DanzigSheila Danzig Sheila Danzig is offline. Registered User. Last Activity: 9th October 2006 11:52 PM ... Sheila Danzig is not a member of any public groups ...
www.immigrationportal.com/member.php?u=116489 - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

I-140 denial 3-Yr Deg/Apprvd Edu Eval using MTR/Appeal ...This is Sheila Danzig. I was very pleased to see this post. My client told me about it. ... Sheila Danzig Director: Career Consulting International ...
www.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?p=1261051 - 87k - Cached - Similar pages

I-140 Denied with Sheila Danzig's evaluation - ImmigrationPortal ...I-140 Denied with Sheila Danzig's evaluation Nebraska Service Center I-140.
boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=220318 - 101k - Cached - Similar pages

PR: American and British Degree Evaluators Challenge Widespread ...Sheila Danzig, director of Career Consulting International and John Kersey, President of Marquess Educational Consultants Limited, co-authored a study of ...
pressreleasehelp.prwebdirect.com/releases/2005/10/pressreleasehelp294585.htm - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Sheila Danzig - Rotten TomatoesInformation about review author Sheila Danzig. ... SHEILA DANZIG OVERVIEW. PUBLICATION(S) MovieFreak.com STATS Total Reviews: 8. SECTIONS ...
www.rottentomatoes.com/author-8829/ - 46k - Cached - Similar pages

The Ultimate Guide to Free Publicity - About SheilaSheila Danzig has been involved in marketing, publicity and advertising for over 30 years. She speicializes in helping individuals and small businesses get ...
www.ultimatepublicity.com/about.htm - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Foreign Credential Evaluation :: The Degree PeopleThank you very much Sheila.” Click here for more ... Site Map | Privacy Policy | Free Consultation | Resources | More Resources | © 2004-2006 Danzig. ...
www.thedegreepeople.com/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

MovieFreak.Com - Rules of Engagement ReviewBy Sheila Danzig. Rules of Engagement had troubles in production. James Webb, former Secretary of the Navy, who developed the story, insisted that his name ...
www.moviefreak.com/reviews/r/rulesofengagement.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

MovieFreak.Com - Keeping The Faith ReviewBy Sheila Danzig. My review of this movie may not be for everyone. I am Jewish and I know that there was much that I found very very funny that others may ...
www.moviefreak.com/reviews/k/keepingthefaith.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
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I140 RFE - Expert Letter - ImmigrationPortal ForumsAll these evaluators like Sheila Danzig are out here to suck blood and make money off you. There are lot of other credit evaluators who do a good job in the ...
boards.immigration.com/showthread.php?t=225430 - 97k - Cached - Similar pages

have had success with the 3 year degree - properly evaluated it has been accepted as equivalent to a US 4 year Bachelor's degree. -Sheila Danzig ...
murthyforum.atinfopop.com/4/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1024039761&f=2704080912&m=1071071401 - 73k - Cached - Similar pages

Sheila DanzigDo you have any marketing experience with or information about Shiela Danzig you would like considered for inclusion in this review? ...
www.marketingprinciples.com/casestudies.asp?cat=841 - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Marketing Online: Chapter 8Direct marketer Sheila Danzig of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, hurried to register "danzig.com" when she learned that 5000 applications were backlogged at ...
archives.obs-us.com/obs/english/books/penguin/marketin/chap8.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

Daniel Danzig — Sandra Danziger : ZoomInfo Business People InformationDanzig, Sheila, Career Consulting International Inc, http://www.prweb.com/releases/2005/10/prweb294585.php Sheila Danzig, ... of Career Consulting . ...
www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page9092.aspx - 77k - Cached - Similar pages

College degree in less than a Year - The Career PeopleSheila Danzig, Director of CCI, is a member of. AEA The American Evaluation Association. NAFSA Association of International Educators ...
thecareerpeople.com/ - 37k - Cached - Similar pages

LISTSERV 15.0 - ONLINE-TL ArchivesCCI is part of National Success Marketing Inc., based in Sunrise, Fla., and owned by William H. Danzig and Sheila Danzig. Sheila Danzig said in an interview ...
lists.oln.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0405&L=ONLINE-TL&P=155 - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

P O W E R T A P E SSheila Danzig, "Queen of the Net". "I listen a few times a week and I sleep soundly every night. I had given up on ever sleeping well again. ...
www.powertapes.com/tapes.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

P O W E R T A P E SSheila Danzig. "I used the tape to study for my medical boards. I could not believe how relaxed, clear and focused I was on the day of the exam. ...
www.powertapes.com/testimonial.html - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Amazon.com: Customers Flock to Business That Are in the News: A ...Amazon.com: Customers Flock to Business That Are in the News: A Step by Step Guide to How a Small Business Can Get Free Press Coverage: Books: Sheila Danzig ...
www.amazon.com/Customers-Flock-Business-That-News/dp/0962433314 - 88k - Cached - Similar pages

3 years degree EB3, 140 at NSC - please advice - ImmigrationPortal ...I am Sheila Danzig the director of Career Consulting International, www. ... 1.800.771.4723 Best Regards, Sheila Danzig sheila-at-danzig-dot-com ...
boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=196367 - 97k - Cached - Similar pages

Finally i found in this forum about Sheila Danzig (the degreepeople dot com). ... This is not an advt for sheila danzig. Each case is different and nobody ...
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Free Publicity :: The Ultimate GuideMy name is Sheila Danzig and over a period of eight years alone, I PERSONALLY have lead the company that I founded to generate revenues of over $20000000.00 ...
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Foreign Credential Evaluation Blog » About Dr. Sheila DanzigAbout Dr. Sheila Danzig. Posted by Administrator on December 5th, 2005 — in Uncategorized. Danzig is the director for Career Consulting International (CCI) ...
foreign-credential-evaluation.com/?page_id=5 - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

OBS Discussion Forum for Marketing Online by Marcia Yudkin... businesses and their local bank will not extend merchant status to them. Good Luck! Sheila Danzig Author Turn Your Computer Into a Money Machine. ...
archives.obs-us.com/obs/english/books/penguin/marketin/msg/00180.htm - 2k - Cached - Similar pages

AILA - Marketplace - Products & Services - Vendors - Career ...Contact Sheila Danzig,. Phone: 1-800-771-4723. Cell phone: 954-445-0107. email: sheila@danzig.com. Copyright © 1993–2007, American Immigration Lawyers ...
www.aila.org/content/default.aspx?docid=18418 - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

A Site for Sore EyesThe PRIO glasses have brought instant relief to Sheila Danzig and others like her. According to Danzig, "I sit in front of my computer three to ten hours a ...
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S E Ring Mailing Lists :: Mailing List Online Order FormEmail your order to sheila@danzig.com Including all information requested on this form. Email inquiries may be sent to sheila@danzig.com. ...
www.bettermailing.com/order.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Danzig 1939: Treasures of a Destroyed Community - Google Books Resultby Günter Grass, Vivian B. Mann, Joy Ungerleider-Mayerson - 1980
If, after fifteen years, there would be no safe and free Jews in Danzig, ... One month later, on August 31, the German army marched into Danzig. ...

The Chronicle: 11/23/2001: Texas Fines Distance-Learning ...Distance-education experts who have tracked the institution's history say its behind-the-scenes operator was once Sheila Danzig, Mr. Danzig's wife. ...
chronicle.com/weekly/v48/i13/13a02902.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
"I have withdrawn from the MIGS Ph.D. program.  It has become clear to me that, despite a wonderful opportunity, they have no intention of running a distance learning graduate school."
--Rich Douglas--Degreeinfo--6-26--2001

"Needless to say, I have, this evening, resigned as a faculty member for MIGS, since my ONLY reason for staying on was my promise to work with Rich in his doctoral program, and I look forward to doing just that in another, happier venue."
--John Bear--Degreeinfo--6-26-2001

Of course it is obvious they had this joint farewell notice planned in advance.  Like a couple of gang members they work in a team to blow the smoke saying MIGS is wonderful and then in combination to cover their trail.  Always confuse and double-speak.  For over a year they say MIGS is real, legitimate, sincere, and then, since that time, they tell us, "But we were misled--we were confused--we didn't know."  On the one hand they want us to call them 'DL Experts' yet look how easily they are lost in the wilderness, maybe, but they were most likely in the know as to how bad MIGS was and really just wanted to use a school that they wrongly believed could be a souce of a degree that Douglas could in some way defend as something. He desperately wanted a Ph.D. to build up his soft resume, but unfortunately he was unwilling to do any serious work so that narrowed it down to schools that would accept his past toilet schools-Excelsior / National-- so that made MIGS or Union as the only options.  MIGS fell apart at the seems and that left the skunk of the RA world--Union.  Bear guaranteed payment and they took their lost child (Douglas) back and allowed him to do a 9 months doctorate.  Now he is Dr. Douglas, if, that is, you accept the likes of Union as a decent source to a doctorate, many won't.  

So you have the two choices regarding MIGS.
1-They were fools.
2-They knew and tried to make use of a toliet.   MIGS  

They will lie and mislead anytime it is to their benefit.  That is why Summit was good one year (1995) and all but useless the next (1996). Good or bad, it just depends on what their needs are, not what the school really is.  The truth is $$$$$$ is their first and last love, along with what they see in the mirror.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Has anyone seen or heard anything of AC lately? I do know that last year the Governor of Oregon was inundated with letters of complaint about AC and his lack of research skills - and about his infamous list.
Contreras' life style and choices are those guaranteed to lead to unhappiness and challenges.  I expect the anger we see and the lack of common sense are caused by his lack of a normal life. A wife and children may not be perfection but it's a hell of a lot better world to be part of, not, what he and they do.  When you see people with his problems in positions of even modest power and choice you will always see a deviation from normal behavior and actions that challenge common sense.  We are lucky that he is no worse than he is. He comes from a lifestyle that is sick and repulsive. But we can know this.  His actions bring more problems to him than us.  We can walk away from any contact with him, but he on the other hand must look into the mirror and see a sexual deviant with no hope of a normal life, and he will see this every day for his whole life.  Thank God we are not in his shoes. Let him have his petty little whines and public fits, the poor boob has no life and really no one gives a damn what he thinks. He is a fringe player both in life and DL.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Randall Flagg Wrote:Contreras' life style and choices are those guaranteed to lead to unhappiness and challenges.  I expect the anger we see and the lack of common sense are caused by his lack of a normal life. A wife and children may not be perfection but it's a hell of a lot better world to be part of, not, what he and they do.  When you see people with his problems in positions of even modest power and choice you will always see a deviation from normal behavior and actions that challenge common sense.  We are lucky that he is no worse than he is. He comes from a lifestyle that is sick and repulsive. But we can know this.  His actions bring more problems to him than us.  We can walk away from any contact with him, but he on the other hand must look into the mirror and see a sexual deviant with no hope of a normal life, and he will see this every day for his whole life.  Thank God we are not in his shoes. Let him have his petty little whines and public fits, the poor boob has no life and really no one gives a damn what he thinks. He is a fringe player both in life and DL.

This post is as true now as when it was originally made 2 years ago. Contreras is a disgraced public servant and an unhappy fag angry at the world.

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