Unethical George Gollin Sued Again--This Time in Illinois!
Convicted ethics violator George Gollin
[Image: GeorgeGollinBitesTheBigOne.jpg]

Unethical crackpot George Gollin has been sued yet again, this time in Champaign County Illinois circuit court. Not content with squandering the resources of the University of Illinois on his infantile "diploma mill hunter" fantasies, racist George Gollin has again forced Illinois taxpayers to foot massive legal bills to defend his profligate self-indulgence.

This time the plaintiff is Dervanna H. A. Troy-McKoy, a native of Jamaica now residing in Florida. A student and graduate of St. Luke School of Medicine, Troy-McKoy alleges that back in 2009 unethical George Gollin wrote a 91-page letter to the Ghana National Accrediting Board containing some 160 false and offensive statements concerning plaintiff. Further, he asserts that unethical George Gollin enlisted Brad Schwartz and civil rights violating pervert Anal Contreras to also write letters containing false and offensive statements about plaintiff.

Troy-McKoy asserts he has been damaged by unethical George Gollin to the tune of $14,300,000.

Of course, this is the same 91-page rant that earned the idiot George Gollin multiple lawsuits from SLSOM and Dr. Jerroll Dolphin.

Once again a pro se plaintiff runs afoul of a complex legal system designed by and for the wealthy and powerful. Unlike SLSOM's first attorney, Troy-McKoy apparently did understand that he had to comply with the Illinois claims statute before he could sue the State of Illinois, its sub-entities like the University of Illinois, or its employees acting within the scope of their employment like the turd George Gollin and his buddy BS Schwartz. However, he apparently didn't realize that the Champaign County circuit court is not the same as the Illinois Court of Claims.

Quote:Filing a Claim Court of Claims

The Court of Claims is the court of exclusive jurisdiction for all claims filed against the State of Illinois.

1. Please complete the relevant complaint form in its entirety; include your Social Security number or your Federal Employee Identification Number.

2. If you are represented by an attorney, also complete the appropriate section of the complaint form so that all correspondence may be directed to the attorney's office.

3. Please sign the Complaint form.

4. Please send the completed Complaint form along with check for the filing fee made payable to the order of Illinois Court of Claims:

Illinois Court Of Claims
630 S. College St.
Springfield, IL 62756

As the documents attached below detail, the University easily had the complaint dismissed on jurisdictional grounds. Although it wasn't raised, probably a major statute of limitations issue as well. Notwithstanding that, Troy-McKoy sought further redress in the state court of appeal, the state supreme court, and even the US Supreme Court.

Unfortunately, once again, unethical miscreants get a pass on technical grounds. Hats off to Troy-McKoy for putting up a vigorous and honorable fight against the tyrannical bullies who waste taxpayer resources to further their self-aggrandizing vendettas.

.pdf   TroyMcKoyComplaint.pdf (Size: 15.88 MB / Downloads: 1,223)

.pdf   TroyMcKoyDefendantMotionDismiss.pdf (Size: 4.16 MB / Downloads: 1,322)

.pdf   TroyMcKoyPlaintiffOppositionToMotionDismiss.pdf (Size: 12.39 MB / Downloads: 1,635)

.pdf   TroyMcKoyDefendantReplyToPlaintiffOpposition.pdf (Size: 1.23 MB / Downloads: 1,229)

Court docket shows:

"Cause is dismissed with prejudice pursuant to 2-619(a)(1)" by Judge Michael Q. Jones on January 31, 2017. Notice of Appeal filed March 2, 2017. Appellee's motion to dismiss appeal is allowed, appeal dismissed dated June 3, 2017.

Troy-McKoy's petition to the Illinois Supreme Court for leave to appeal was denied on November 22, 2017.

Troy-McKoy's petition to the US Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari was denied on May 21, 2018.

Dervanna H A Troy-McKoy
[Image: DervannaTroyMcKoyFacebook.jpg]
(07-08-2018, 06:40 PM)Henry Greenberg Wrote: ...Further, he asserts that unethical George Gollin enlisted Brad Schwartz and civil rights violating pervert Anal Contreras to also write letters containing false and offensive statements about plaintiff.

Looks like BS Schwartz is no longer at UIUC. Would be interesting to know the circumstances of his departure. Did he get a better offer or did he get sick of getting dragged into shit by unethical crackpots like George Gollin? Remember how unethical George Gollin got three of his UIUC colleagues in hot water for ethics violations? Unlike unethical George Gollin, this Schwartz guy might actually be smart like a real doctor who didn't need 15 other guys to write his dissertation for him. He left town before the SHTF.

Quote:Brad Schwartz, MD

Brad Schwartz is Chief Executive Officer of the Morgridge Institute for Research, a private, nonprofit research institute dedicated to interdisciplinary biomedical research in partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. . . .

In 1999, he was recruited to the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign, where he served as dean until 2011. He then returned to UW-Madison as director of the Research Education and Career Development program at the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, and was subsequently tapped to lead the Morgridge Institute.

[Image: GeorgeGollinEthicsDump.jpg]
Is unethical George Gollin still um, "employed" at UIUC? We know he hasn't actually "worked" there in some time, if ever. How can they justify having this lawsuit magnet lurking around UIUC, especially when they've already been exposed for harboring other unpleasant characters in and around the physics department?

After pissing away a half million bucks of his retirement money on that laughable congressional campaign, unethical George Gollin probably still needs to punch the time clock in case his wife leaves him and takes all her own money with her.

(07-08-2018, 06:40 PM)Henry Greenberg Wrote: ...Troy-McKoy alleges that back in 2009 unethical George Gollin wrote a 91-page letter to the Ghana National Accrediting Board containing some 160 false and offensive statements concerning plaintiff.

Wow, that's a 1.758 lie-to-page ratio. I wonder what the record is, or was? You would think most people would run out of steam after about 15 or 20 pages or so. I guess it's easier when you get so much practice.

I'm sure a racist like George Gollin is thoroughly pleased that a black man has been damaged by his insane rhetoric. His only regret is that the poor fellow didn't die of ebola too.

[Image: no-doctors-thank-george-gollin.jpg]
(07-08-2018, 06:40 PM)Henry Greenberg Wrote: Although it wasn't raised, probably a major statute of limitations issue as well.

Mother of mercy! Is this the end of Rico? Or the beginning of RICO?

[Image: LittleCaesar10.png]

No, not that Rico, this RICO:

Quote:RICO and Statute of Limitation

RICO Act itself does not contain a statute of limitations but the Supreme Court has held that civil RICO claims are subject to a four-year statute of limitations. Agency Holding Corp. v. Malley-Duff & Associates, Inc., 483 U.S. 143, (U.S. 1987). The statute of limitations begins running on a RICO claim according to the "injury discovery accrual rule" which ties accrual to the time when a plaintiff first knew or should have known of his injury.

Moreover, a RICO claim matures when the plaintiff's injury and the subsequent damages resulting there from become clear and concrete. However, the statute of limitations on a civil RICO claim tolls if the plaintiff pleads the following three elements with particularity: (1) wrongful concealment by the defendant, (2) which prevented the plaintiff's discovery of the claim within the limitations period and (3) due diligence in pursuing discovery of the claim.

Once a RICO claim accrues, a plaintiff must bring an action in four years. A subsequent violation, beyond the four year time period, will not revive a cause of action for the previous violations even if the pattern of racketeering activity is same and even if a plaintiff is thereby injured. The rule is liberal in that a defendant must show that a plaintiff knew or should have known of the existence of each element of the RICO claim, not simply injury. On the other hand, the rule is consistent with the underlying purpose of a statute of limitation and thus under the rule a subsequent predicate act after expiration of the statute of limitations will not save a claimant by reviving the claim.
(07-10-2018, 07:50 AM)Howie Felterbush Wrote: Once a RICO claim accrues, a plaintiff must bring an action in four years.

The longer statute of limitations might help. Likewise, the doctrine of equitable tolling might also extend the statute by the time during which the "other prior proceeding" was pending.

But it's difficult to home in on anything significant in the complaint that has occurred since 2010. I admit it's not easy to follow, particularly since the plaintiff apparently failed to include most of the exhibits.

There is a mention that "the defendant still berates the plaintiff with falsehoods and half-truths on the internet." One example given is a reference to a BPPE proceeding from 2015. Perhaps this is a reference to the 2015 dismissal of the citation against SLSOM by the BPPE. There is no indication what "new substantive facts" were presented at the conference, so it's anybody's guess why the citation and fine were withdrawn. Plaintiff seems to be arguing that unethical George Gollin and his cohorts failed to update or correct their previous statements.

In the context of, e.g., SEC disclosures or certain transactions there may be an ongoing duty to update or correct. I tend to doubt there is anything that requires crackpot letters to foreign governments to be updated six years post hoc.

On the other hand, inasmuch as unethical George Gollin claims to be conducting his domestic terrorism on behalf of the State of Illinois, the constitutional standards of a state actor mandate no "limitless and eternal notoriety" without due process. So it would be the failure to update or correct in 2015 that gives rise to the cause of action (due process violation), not the original letters or posts from 2009 or 2010. So that might work on a four-year RICO statute, or it might even work on a two-year statute under equitable tolling (complaint was filed June 29, 2016).

Dr. Troy-McKoy seems like a motivated individual, so let's hope he keeps after it. At some point somebody is going to decide that unethical George Gollin's reign of terror in the name of the state has gone on long enough.
(07-09-2018, 05:47 PM)Harrison J Bounel Wrote: How can they justify having this lawsuit magnet lurking around UIUC, especially when they've already been exposed for harboring other unpleasant characters in and around the physics department?

As far as we know, unethical George Gollin hasn't been accused of kidnapping and murdering anyone--yet. But as you note, the UIUC physics department seems to attract some of the planet's weirdest, most anti-social and demented people. Gollin's antics have gotten people so pissed off that they are willing to go all the way to the US Supreme Court just to make a point. The UIUC physics department claims they didn't know they were employing a kidnapping murderer, but they do know that they employ a convicted ethics violator who has been sued multiple times for civil rights violations, computer hacking, defamation and stalking, among other things, who posted 1,280 times on a gay boy pornographer's website, who admits 15 other people wrote his dissertation, who makes public death threats using a rifle sight graphic similar to that used by the Zodiac Killer, etc., etc.

[Image: stalker-2.gif?w=500]

Apparently UIUC does. And they are willing to keep squandering many thousands of dollars of taxpayer money on legal fees to defend his attacks on poor black people.
(07-09-2018, 05:47 PM)Harrison J Bounel Wrote: Is unethical George Gollin still um, "employed" at UIUC?

According to Coursicle, unethical George Gollin will be "teaching" four courses this Fall 2018 semester. Probably some TAs with marginal English skills will be doing the actual work, but students won't know that until the classes actually start and it's too late to drop.

Looks like Gollin will really have his hook nose to the grindstone this coming semester, putting in almost an hour a day on Tuesdays, nearly two hours a day on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and a grueling three hours and fifty minutes on Fridays. Gosh, that's a solid 500 minutes of labor a week! What a trooper. How does he do it, and all for only $100,000+ per year?

That should leave him plenty of time for consulting with his taxpayer-paid lawyers and defending against more lawsuits by the growing army of poor black people he has offended.

Quote:PHYS 225-A
Relativity & Math Applications
George Gollin
Loomis Laboratory 151

PHYS 225-D3R
Relativity & Math Applications
George Gollin
Loomis Laboratory 158

Fresh/Soph Special Topics Phys
George Gollin
Loomis Laboratory 276

Soph/Junr Special Topics Phys
George Gollin
Loomis Laboratory 276

I wonder what unethical George Gollin's physics colleague Brendt Christensen will be teaching this Fall 2018 semester? According to Coursicle, accused kidnapper and murderer Brendt Christensen is "not teaching in Fall 2018." Well that certainly will be a disappointment to all the potential deviants looking for pointers to improve their abduction and molestation techniques.

UIUC Physics Department
Let's Compare These Two Fine Examples of Higher Education Instructional Prowess...
[Image: GeorgeGollinBitesTheBigOne.jpg][Image: FullSizeRender.jpg]
"Teaching" next semester                                        Not teaching next semester
Convicted Ethics Violator                                          Suspected Kidnapper & Murderer
Blamed for Death of Millions of Africans                    Blamed for Death of One Chinese Girl
Posts 1,280 times on                                               Visits "Abduction 101" forum on
    gay boy pornographer's website                            fetish website
Makes death threats using Zodiac Killer logo              Doesn't make threats, actually kills people (allegedly)
Wife cited by FDA for                                               Wife wired by FBI to record incriminating statements
    selling mutant lab pigs to public for food
Illinois law has penalty for ethics violations                 Illinois law has no death penalty
Drives a Saturn                                                            Drives a Saturn
(07-15-2018, 05:41 PM)Yancy Derringer Wrote: Gosh, that's a solid 500 minutes of labor a week! What a trooper. How does he do it, and all for only $100,000+ per year?

Old Woody Allen joke:

Woody Allen Wrote:Two elderly women are at a Catskill restaurant. One of them says, "Boy, the food at this place is just terrible." The other one says, "Yeah I know. And such small portions."
(07-15-2018, 05:41 PM)Yancy Derringer Wrote: Gosh, that's a solid 500 minutes of labor a week! What a trooper. How does he do it, and all for only $100,000+ per year?

UIUC students, on any given day you may encounter a convicted ethics violator, an accused kidnapper and murderer, a student sexually exploited by a professor before going on murderous rampage, an administrator cited by the FDA for selling mutant lab pigs to the public for food....it just never ends. Not in the parking lot or some dank alley, but right in your very classroom or administrative office! You pay good money for an education and this is what you get, assuming you aren't kidnapped, tortured and murdered first.

AH HA HA! Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?????

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