Convict Hosts Dem Funder
Will the endorsement from convicted ethics violator George "Gaywad" Gollin be enough to put Ruth "Wideload" Wyman over the top for the Dim-ocrat circuit judge nomination on March 17? Or will she repeat the humiliating performance of her inept mentor and finish behind everyone with a pulse? The winner of the Dim primary will have the honor of losing to Republican nominee Cherie Kesler in November.

Let's take a look at the field, shall we?

[Image: ruth2.jpg]
Ruth "Wideload" Wyman

Appealing to the all-important illegal alien vote: "I am fluent in Spanish and have worked with the immigrant population for years." Why would you need a judge who speaks Spanish? Don't the courts in IL have translators? How do we know she's "fluent" if we don't speak Spanish? Does she have a DELE cert? As Ted Cruz said, "Diselo si quieres, ahora mismo en Espanol, y'all."?

[Image: ramona2.jpg]
Ramona "Mudshark" Sullivan, aka Ramona Williams, aka Ramona Ortega

Her black husband died, so now she got herself a Hispanic one. When he dies will she go for the minority trifecta and marry a Chinaman? Compare that cutey publicity photo with what she actually looks like in real life, a jowly, porky 49-year old:
[Image: 5e33ba31e1efe.image.jpg]
Yikes, is that a bald patch in the front?? If she lies about what she looks like, what else does she lie about?

Speaking of bald patches...
[Image: troy2.jpg]
Troy "Loser" Lozar

"A just legal system is a pillar of a working democracy." Now there's a guy willing to go out on a limb. Does he understand that the legal system (i.e., civil and criminal adjudication) actually has nothing to do with a democracy (electing government representatives)? Or does he just think (probably correctly) that the Dim voters don't?

[Image: moore3.jpg]
David "Less" Moore

"I am on time to court and prepared." What else could you possibly ask from a government official getting paid >$200,000? When you're talking about Dimocrats, sometimes less really is more. If I ever got rung up for pot possession that would be the bug-eyed barrister I'd want to see on the bench. "Motion to suppress granted! The court will take custody of the evidence to assure its proper disposition."

Remember, Democrats, it's Illinois, so vote early and vote often!
Quote:More ham next time, please!

yes, hello...
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Convicted ethics violator George Gollin helps launch Wideload Wyman's judge campaign. With support like that, what could go wrong? Watch live video of actual election results!

More of an impact than anything George Gollin ever did.

[Image: medium.gif]
Gotta love those dem fem pols. They treat elections like some kind of dating service for retards and post a 30-year old photo. To paraphrase Nutsy Pelousy, you've got to elect the skank to find out what she really looks like. Although for Dim voters that ten seconds spent looking at the candidates' photos is probably all the pre-election research they ever do.

[Image: ramona2.jpg]
Ramona "Mudshark" Sullivan--Then

[Image: MudsharkSullivan.gif]
Ramona "Mudshark" Sullivan--Now
Super Tuesday is over, and now Mediocre Tuesday is coming up for Illinois Dims on March 17. Time is running out for last minute lies and smears. With a proven political genius like gay activist George "Gulp 'N' Gag" Gollin guiding her campaign, you would think Wideload Wyman could come up with some clever strategy to counteract her opponent's high school photos. Why doesn't she just post a shot of herself when she was in high school? Oh, wait....

[Image: WideloadWyman.gif]
Ruth "Wideload" Wyman--Then
Wideload Wyman is rated "NOT Recommended" by the Illinois State Bar Association evaluation of all Dimocrat Sixth Judicial District judge candidates, scoring last in nearly every category--and by a lot. Top scores in bold, lowest score in red:

David "Less" Moore:
Meets Requirements Of Office   85.87
Integrity                                 92.39
Impartiality                             92.55
Legal Ability                            86.81
Temperament                          91.30
Court Management                   82.56
Health                                     96.39
Sensitivity                               96.39

Ramona "Mudshark" Sullivan
Meets Requirements Of Office    81.60
Integrity                                 94.35
Impartiality                              76.00
Legal Ability                             79.84
Temperament                          93.13
Court Management                    87.39
Health                                      97.58
Sensitivity                                 93.60
Troy "Loser" Lozar
Meets Requirements Of Office     67.65
Integrity                                   86.96
Impartiality                               65.22
Legal Ability                              83.56
Temperament                            71.01
Court Management                   88.89
Health                                     98.41
Sensitivity                                67.19

Ruth "Wideload" Wyman
Meets Requirements Of Office    20.18
Integrity                                   50.86
Impartiality                               29.31
Legal Ability                              35.71
Temperament                            38.14
Court Management                     36.79
Health                                       69.47
Sensitivity                                  78.38 (p. 11)

This tells you a lot about the judgment of convicted ethics violator George "Sphincter" Gollin. He endorses the candidate with the lowest scores in integrity, impartiality, temperament, management, and health, and next to last in sensitivity. Wideload Wyman scores almost 47 points lower than the next lowest candidate for meeting the requirements of the office. George Gollin is the same diploma mill sleuth who previously endorsed a candidate with an obviously phony, fake and fraudulent diploma mill degree. Let's see if voters dumb enough to be Dimocrats are still smart enough to nominate a candidate who isn't a complete joke.

.pdf   Complete outside cook county grid.pdf (Size: 410.68 KB / Downloads: 808)
(03-07-2020, 03:20 PM)HerbertSpencer Wrote: George Gollin is the same diploma mill sleuth who previously endorsed a candidate with an obviously phony, fake and fraudulent diploma mill degree.?

George Gollin isn't the only dumbass who endorsed Carol Ammons, the candidate with the obviously phony, fake and fraudulent diploma mill degree. Can you guess who else endorsed her? Yup, Wideload Wyman!

Gollin is the 13th one down in the far right column.

Wyman is at the bottom of the middle column of the webpage, bottom left on the pdf below.

.pdf   Endorsements — Carol Ammons.pdf (Size: 1.25 MB / Downloads: 767)

[Image: iboughtafakedegree.jpg]
More allegations of sleaziness against George Gollin-endorsed Demorrhoid judge candidate Wideload Wyman:

Quote:Is Ruth Wyman breaking campaign finance laws with the bus ads she has bought? Or just exploiting loopholes?

She has bought ads on a significant number of MTD buses around town, as well as billboards.

But, these ads are for her "Law Office" and not for her "Judge Election". Yet, they used the exact same logo as her campaign logo.

When you have unethical convicted ethics violator George "No Ethics" Gollin on your team, the obvious answer is probably the correct one.
Are these mammals or do they lay eggs instead?

[Image: 5e3d7f7cdafb7.image.jpg?resize=1200%2C491]
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore

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