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Hot research topic for Rich Douglas, closed school owner John Bear can help - Printable Version

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Hot research topic for Rich Douglas, closed school owner John Bear can help - Douglas Union bye-bye - 06-26-2024

Here's an interesting research topic for Rich Douglas in case he looks for another school on-probation for another easy PhD~ If one learns that your alma mater was on probation multiple times due to various accreditation problems which led to its eventual closure, would it be illogical for any human being to question the academic vigor of your degree? And would it be illogical for dumbass morons like Expert Rich Douglas not to defend his...umm...his PhD? Will mark-down degrees like Union limit your career options (i.e. like teaching at the unaccredited (NON-GOLD STANDARD) Virginia Commonwealth University (now called Fairfax)? I wasn't referring to you, Rich.

I think Rich Douglas can also use John Bear's help again, since Bear has first-hand experience as the ex part-owner of the defunct and unaccredited degree mill Columbia Pacific University.



RE: Hot research topic for Rich Douglas, closed school owner John Bear can help - Albert Hidel - 06-29-2024

Doogle’s Dilemma: When you put all your eggs in a bottom tier POS hippie college, should you really be surprised when the bottom falls out 20 years later?  

He correctly notes that in the olden days there really weren’t a lot of choices for arguably “legit” distance learning PhD programs. But when the choice is shiite or nothing, can shiite ever be a "good choice"?

Although the degree itself theoretically lives on even after the joke institution that granted it is kaput, Doogle no doubt anticipated that Union’s inevitable demise would raise even more questions about the dubious quality of his doctorate. He concocted that lame excuse about needing a “professional” doctorate as well, only to find out later that it evaluated as a masters and not a doctorate despite the title. Did the self-appointed expert succeed only in screwing himself twice? Or was he screwed twice by an education system with all the scruples and steadfastness of a rural used car dealer? Looks like Doogle bought himself a double layer of TruCoat.  Break out that goddam checkbook Doogle and get this over with.  

Some might argue that it’s the journey not the destination that is important. But it looks like Doogle went down the same road twice and still ended up nowhere.