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There's a 20% chance that deviants like Alan Contreras, Thomas "Chip" White and Steve Levicoff already have an incurable, fatal disease because of their perverted lifestyle (or death style).  Hopefully the Lord will deal with each of them sooner rather than later.

Quote:The 'Gay' Deathstyle
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
By J. Matt Barber

One has to wonder if Reuters reporter Julie Steenhuysen will soon be joining the millions of other Americans relegated to Obama's swelling unemployment lines. She evidently didn't get the media memo last week and violated the goose-stepping left's Orwellian requirement that we all adhere to obtuse notions of political correctness.

Having contracted a rare case of journalistic objectivity, Ms. Steenhuysen penned a story that dared to detail a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study on homosexuality.

The study exposed the jaw-dropping fact that one-in-five "gay" and "bisexual" men in American cities have been infected with HIV/AIDS. Needless to say, this scandalous revelation completely blows out of the water the left's morally relative, propagandist line that homosexuality is "normal, natural and good."

To believers, it's never surprising when modern science serves to validate the transcendent truths found in Scripture (not that God's truth needs validating).

James 1:15 warns: "Then when lust has conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death."

Indeed, it seems the common moniker "homosexual lifestyle" has it exactly backwards. As opponents of the extremist "gay" lobby have long illustrated, homosexuality falls dead center within our nation's burgeoning culture of death.

First, take that feminist rite of passage: abortion. Due to a national lack of sexual self-governance, in 2010 we find that – post Roe v. Wade – 50 million of God's precious children have been slaughtered at Satan's altar of euphemistic "choice."

Moreover, millions of self-styled "gay" men have – as a direct result of homosexual conduct – died from AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis and all other forms of homosexually transmitted disease.

Romans 1:26-27, which Obama once comically called an "obscure passage in Romans," addresses the homosexual deathstyle: "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."

It's tragic when people yield to disordered sexual temptations that can literally kill them spiritually, emotionally and physically. Nobody with any compassion enjoys watching others "[receive] in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." But a corollary to free will is living – or dying – with the choices we've made.

Another problem lies in the fact that far too many Christians have contributed to the dilemma by failing to speak truth, in love, on the issue of homosexuality (pastors with "gay" congregants and family members, I'm talking to you). Nobody likes to be unfairly labeled a hater, "homophobe" or bigot, but fear of such attacks offers no justification for failing to speak truth in love.

There are even self-professed Christians today who inexcusably join in with the secular left in affirming homosexual sin as a good thing. There's a word for these types: apostate.

There's no wiggle room here. If you defend or seek to justify homosexual conduct, you defy God. Not good. As I recall, He's got a little something to say about "causing one of these little ones" to sin.

But even if you choose not to acknowledge biblical truth, you're still left without excuse. As the CDC has once again verified, if you affirm or defend homosexual behavior as "normal, natural and good," you also defy science. You're on the wrong side of history, let alone reality.

What is it about this particular PC-protected practice that causes so many otherwise intelligent people to become blinded blathering buffoons?

Let's say we had a group of people who defined their identity based upon a penchant for running headlong into brick walls. Oh, we'll call them, "Wallies." (Wally pride, baby!)

As significant percentages of Wallies began to drop dead, or suffer irreversible brain damage, do you suppose the left would demand tolerance for such behavior? Do you think they'd begin handing out bicycle helmets in elementary schools, telling kids to practice safe walling?

With liberals, anything's possible, but I'm more inclined to think that even the moonbat left might agree that people tending toward such behavior would be best served to simply avoid running headlong into walls altogether.

I don't mean to be flip (okay, maybe a little flip) but can someone please tell me why on earth the left insists that we "tolerate" homosexual behavior while – as the CDC has once again confirmed – it continues to have results similar to brick walling?

We throw paper-thin latex condoms at kids who struggle with same-sex attraction and tell them: "You're gay! Embrace who you are. Gay pride, baby!"

We push them out onto a paper-thin latex tightrope with a one-in-five chance they'll plummet to their death.

What in the name of all things sacred are we doing? One-in-five with AIDS? Seriously? If five people got into a car and were told that one of them wasn't going to survive the drive, how quickly do you suppose they'd scatter?

Unnatural behaviors beget natural consequences. Scripture admonishes: "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23.)

Do you consider yourself "gay" or lesbian? As untold thousands of ex-gays will tell you, you don't have to be. It's my most sincere prayer that going forward you'll choose Christ over sin: Life over death.

You think sexual "freedom" makes you happy? You should experience the true freedom that comes through abiding in He who is "the way, the truth and the life."

That's liberation.
Tanya Heddankoff Wrote:There's a 20% chance that deviants like Alan Contreras, Thomas "Chip" White and Steve Levicoff already have an incurable, fatal disease because of their perverted lifestyle (or death style).  Hopefully the Lord will deal with each of them sooner rather than later.

If you want something done right, do it yourself.  Let's organize a memorial service for Tyler Clementi--at the top of the tallest buildings and bridges in every city.  Let the perverts show that there is unity in the community by taking a swan dive in support of deviance.
There are a bunch of perverts among homos, but you should see what women are up to.
These days, you either sleep with fairy Tyler who's "just" been with Barney, Pedro, Quran and Abdollah...or you sleep with Muffy the shy librarian...now, if you take only a quarter of what the football, soccer ball, golf ball, basket ball, swimming and table tennis teams say about her, you're better off with Tyler...Big GrinRolleyesRolleyesSad
I believe in the law of Karma.

People who are in the business of harming others harm themselves first.

It does not always work out I suppose. I know people who live to be in their 90s and they are wretched people. But maybe people have to pay in their next lives.
AnavriN Wrote:
Don Dresden Wrote:If you want something done right, do it yourself.  Let's organize a memorial service for Tyler Clementi--at the top of the tallest buildings and bridges in every city.  Let the perverts show that there is unity in the community by taking a swan dive in support of deviance.

wow. would that be be4 or after u go to ur klan rally?

The Klan...wow...Nazis...aah!
How old are you?
and you? When are you typing this? Before of after a XXX gay session for Chip White's sites?
Aaah! Homophobes!! Etc
Quote:When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

You mean that religious fundamentalists are involved in the same twisting of words, special pleading, double standards & other fallacies the queer movement adopted to serve its cause?
Great:spot on.
I have news for you...out of a sample of famous Egyptian hieroglyphs, no 2 translations by eminent academics are identical.
EmotionSickness Wrote:regarding the original post.. ive been researching.. dunno where u get ur 20% from.. couldnt find that.. but in almost every article it says amongst all ppl those most likely to be inflicted by AIDS are women of a minority background..

If that is the case then why don't minority women seem especially concerned with AIDS while you homos are obsessed with it?
EmotionSickness Wrote:regarding the original post.. ive been researching.. dunno where u get ur 20% from.. couldnt find that..

The link in the original article is banjaxed.  Here is the cited article by Steenhuysen.  In case you don't get it, it says you are going to die, pervert.

Quote:1 in 5 gay, bisexual men in U.S. cities has HIV

By Julie Steenhuysen
CHICAGO | Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:16pm EDT

(Reuters) - Nearly one in five gay and bisexual men in 21 major U.S. cities are infected with HIV, and nearly half of them do not know it, U.S. health officials said on Thursday.

Young men, and especially young black men, are least likely to know if they are infected with HIV, according to a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"We need to reinvigorate our response to preventing HIV among gay and bisexual men," Dr. Jonathan Mermin, director of CDC's Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, said in a telephone interview.

"We can't allow HIV to continue its devastating toll among gay and bisexual men, and in particular, among young black men."

Mermin's comments echoed an AIDS policy rolled out in July by the White House that asked states and federal agencies to find ways to cut new HIV infections by 25 percent.

Researchers at the CDC studied 8,153 men who have sex with men in 21 U.S. cities. The men were taking part in the 2008 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System, which looked at prevalence and awareness of the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Overall, they found that 19 percent of gay men are infected with HIV.

The study found that 28 percent of gay black men infected with HIV, compared with 18 percent of Hispanic men and 16 percent of white men.

Black men in the study were also least likely to be aware of their infection, with 59 percent unaware of their infection compared with 46 percent of Hispanic men and 26 percent of white men.

Age also plays a role. Among 18 to 29-year-old men, 63 percent did not know they were infected with HIV, compared with 37 percent of men aged 30 and older, the team reported in the CDC's weekly report on death and disease.

The CDC recommends that gay and bisexual men of all ages get an HIV test each year, and men at highest risk -- those who have multiple sex partners or use drugs during sex -- get tested every three to six months.

"This alarming new data provides further evidence that prevention efforts for gay men have not been adequate to meet the growing epidemic and should be dramatically scaled up," said Carl Schmid of the nonprofit AIDS Institute.

"The severity of the impact of HIV in the gay community is nothing new. What has been missing is an appropriate response by our government, at the federal, state and local levels, and the gay community itself," he said in a statement.

Mermin said some studies had shown that there was less urgency and fear associated with HIV infections than in the past, which may be due to the effectiveness of AIDS treatment.

While not a cure, drug cocktails can keep patients healthy and can reduce the risk that they will infect other people. Companies that make HIV drugs include Gilead Sciences Inc, Bristol-Myers and Abbott Labs.
All of you guys captured in crystal clear summation my sentiments regarding this disease and lifestyle. I most pleased that I have "blundered" into this wonderful blog, that champions education "for all" and is able to recognize the "less than wonderful" behavior of those who would stunt the creative juices of entrepreneurs, who want to reach students globally, and at reduced prices...again thank you. Remember those Sumerians...developed cuneiform writing and the Rosetta stone was used to interpret the meaning of those 5,000 year old hieroglyphs. Great stuff guys..
"the gay deathstyle"....ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

you guys should be writing for SNL...this stuff is good