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Full Version: Chicago State University may lose accreditation.
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Think may be the first time, to my knowledge that a publicly funded State University ever lost accreditation. If so it would be the first state run "Diploma Mill."

For the sake of the students and graduates, I hope this will not happen but I think it shows how accreditation really works.
Virtual Bison Wrote:Think may be the first time, to my knowledge that a publicly funded State University ever lost accreditation. If so it would be the first state run "Diploma Mill."

Similar situation at Compton JC not long ago.

You see this sort of thing when administrators are hired for political reasons rather than for any demonstrated administrative competence.  Someone wants to mollify a political constituency, and it's the taxpayers who pay the price.  Instead of finding an admin who actually knows how to run a school, they hire a person who fits the right demographic.  

The irony is that the student demographic they think they are appeasing then makes intelligent decisions based on quality issues and avoids the place like the plague.  People who are pursuing an education because they are trying to get out of the ghetto damn sure know ghetto when they see it.   The sharp students take their business elsewhere, and the leftovers bring down the graduation rates.  

Demographics aside, I've never understood the logic of hiring anyone to run a multi-million dollar business who has a background in anything other than running a multi-million dollar business.  Somebody with a PhD in science or literature or education might have been a helluva teacher, but what do they know about meeting a budget?  A prison warden has a good day if nobody escapes and the prisoners don't riot.  Many of these college admins approach their business the same way.  Any day the students or faculty aren't burning down the administrative building is a good day.  Keep the inmates smiling, and if you run out of money blame the Republicans for cutting taxes.