07-15-2009, 10:49 PM
Another candidate, IMHO, is Bill Grover - a senior poster on degreediscussion.com and one on degreeboard.com. In case of the latter board, he did not stay there for long because he could not deny the tone he got used to on degree discussion.com:
Despite the fact that I (my real name is Dr. Muhammad Schmidt) have had a fight with Bill Grover and his likes over the past 2 years because of some unfounded accusations they have made on degreediscussion.com, I also find the following highly problematic:
Grover tends to "advise" other posters on theology degree matters on various forums and sells his words as holy and non-questionable, expecting applause from everyone. This may not only mislead those seeking advice in adopting a larger perspective on the issue at hand (by not only following Grover?s way of looking at things) but it also includes an implicit insistence on that he is always right. If the latter (a mere speculation on my part) is true, then this would not be so uncommon: the bitterness of some old men who cannot accept that their time is over. If this applies, consequently, the entire set-up that Grover creates around himself is a "problem" reduced to a problem of his own ego and a self-serving muppet show.
It seems that degreediscussion.com is the home for all such more doubtful figures with some sort of doubtful degrees and and other background details and who in addition are incapable of discussion in a good, i.e. "scholarly", manner. A degree as such - whether "first" or "second class" - does not make one a scholar automatically. Something more is required in terms of intellectual performance (e.g., publications) and a personality that can communicate on controversial issues without becoming "personal". Too many pretend scholars around there at degreediscussion.com.....
The kind of posts that Bill Grover and his likes make tell more about them than what others might say about them - rightly or wrongly. Really revealing!
Despite the fact that I (my real name is Dr. Muhammad Schmidt) have had a fight with Bill Grover and his likes over the past 2 years because of some unfounded accusations they have made on degreediscussion.com, I also find the following highly problematic:
Grover tends to "advise" other posters on theology degree matters on various forums and sells his words as holy and non-questionable, expecting applause from everyone. This may not only mislead those seeking advice in adopting a larger perspective on the issue at hand (by not only following Grover?s way of looking at things) but it also includes an implicit insistence on that he is always right. If the latter (a mere speculation on my part) is true, then this would not be so uncommon: the bitterness of some old men who cannot accept that their time is over. If this applies, consequently, the entire set-up that Grover creates around himself is a "problem" reduced to a problem of his own ego and a self-serving muppet show.
It seems that degreediscussion.com is the home for all such more doubtful figures with some sort of doubtful degrees and and other background details and who in addition are incapable of discussion in a good, i.e. "scholarly", manner. A degree as such - whether "first" or "second class" - does not make one a scholar automatically. Something more is required in terms of intellectual performance (e.g., publications) and a personality that can communicate on controversial issues without becoming "personal". Too many pretend scholars around there at degreediscussion.com.....
The kind of posts that Bill Grover and his likes make tell more about them than what others might say about them - rightly or wrongly. Really revealing!