DL Truth: Distance Learning Truth

Full Version: Government grants CAN$ 245 millions to avert bankrupt of big university
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The latest example: the Quebec government grants CAN$ 245 millions to UQAM university after the same sunk its own budget after a hectic row of speculations in real estates that left holes as big as

Quote:# L'UQAM avait la responsabilité de la dette totale de l'Îlot Voyageur, 142 M $;
# L'UQAM avait la responsabilité de la dette totale du Complexe des Sciences, 180 M $;

Guilt lays with heftily paid 'consultants' and 'administrators' who are now gone while new consultants, lawyers and administrators turn shocked to big brother to make up for the 'glitch'.
Of course only biased evil thinkers may surmise that some of those 'honest administrators' stuffed their bank accounts as a result of those real estate deals.

Quote:Les quatre syndicats de l’UQAM reçoivent avec satisfaction le Rapport du Vérificateur général du Québec déposé hier à l'Assemblée nationale. Nous acquiesçons à l’identification des grands facteurs à l’origine de la situation financière catastrophique dans laquelle notre Université se retrouve aujourd’hui.

À la lumière du Rapport, il apparaît que la responsabilité de l’ancien recteur, de son vice-recteur aux Affaires administratives et du directeur des Investissements est indéniable, et s’il y a matière à poursuite, le dossier doit suivre son cours.

Seeing as how the page is not available in English, I wonder if the whole bilingual nature of Canada is a true two way street or do the Québécois not need to translate embarrassing items into English?
In my last stab at French I managed to tell a lady that my dog was onze mois and my other dog was trois mois. We also spoke a little Frenglish, filling in words in each other's language. I won't bother reading the article although 35 years ago I could have gotten by.

Time to fire the board and appoint someone who can work within a budget.
The article from the labour union blames the university's former dean and his cronies ('investment director' and 'dean, administrative affairs' ).