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From Degreediscussion:

(Quote)Postby Jimmy on Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:18 am
I posted this information against my better judgment. I did so at the suggestion of a very good friend and long-time, well-respected member of this board.

Bill Dayson's rude, insulting, uncivil, and obnoxious posts have served as reminders of why I took a leave of absence. I will now take a permanent leave of absence and request my account be permanently deleted.

Regardless of the changes one makes in one's life, there will always be those who cling to the past. One thing definitely remains certain, however. Bill Dayson, whose academic information, to my knowledge, has never been revealed, remains a jackass.(Unquote)

Link - 3rd page:


Jimmy went to DD to run by his idea of course development at an unaccredied religious school and was severely shat upon by the usual stalkers. Why do I get the feeling that Jimmy is one of the most talented people at that Godforsaken sorry-ass site?

Of course Dayson is one of the biggest peckerheads there.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that Jimmy (or anybody) would trust the arrogant self-righteous @$$h013$ at degreedisgusted.
yoda_igorovich Wrote:Well, I'm sorry to hear that Jimmy (or anybody) would trust the arrogant self-righteous @$$h013$ at degreedisgusted.

It's like a pack of dogs over there. If they're not going for your throat, they're humping your leg.

I don't know why Jimmy keeps going back looking for their approval. What is the DI/DD mystery? He's welcome everywhere else, even here.
Ben Johnson Wrote:He's welcome everywhere else, even here.

Indeed he is.

Maybe he feels there are more opportunities to do the Lord's work over there, given the proliferation of moral reprobates.  He probably figures that getting caught in the occasional gang rape is just God's way of punishing him for not working hard enough to save them.
Those among the unwashed who seem to gain 20 kilos of rock-hard muscle only by typing 'doctor professor' suffer from serious kindergarten bully syndrome.
Whenever one disagrees with the clique (or any clique soever ), he is first contradicted and if he raises successfully to the challenge, then he is sent bad vibes, warning messages, threatening innuendo (if so...then... ), character assassination. If he refuses to comply, he is banned...
It is the good old sandbox conspiracy situation everyone has experienced in kindergarten...
Moe and Rufus, the schoolyard bullies (or clique leaders ) want poor little Bobby to boo and kick their victims, or to use secret words and handshakes, or to say that so and so is good...
If Bobby does, cool... if he doesn't, he'll soon be another victim.
Many times I have been cornered and "threatened" over the internet, with every Moe and Rufus in e-town wanting me to "put up or shut up", or to "show my credibility"...
Every time I stood up and every time I was banned (not silenced or defeated, though ).
So I pity the poor, spineless sea cucumbers that have to bend over to simply keep posting on some crummy website, bowing down to the high morals of millists, gay teen pornographers, financial frauds, massage parlor addicts and other deviants and impostors.
I understand a man who must buy hogwash from his boss because he has five children to feed, a mortgage and a ton of overdue bills... but over the internet?
Not one ( N O T ONE ) of the self-righteous clowns who ever banned me online was worth more than ten cents...most in fact were known criminals, fools and frauds such as used cars salespeople...
Quote from Jimmy at Degreediscussion:

(QUOTE)Okay, Bill, I will give it one more chance. I should know by now that one's bad choices in the past always have a way of returning. I also should know by now that there will always be those who find it necessary to be demeaning, sarcastic, ignoble, and just plain jerky.

However, I have emphatically suggested to clients over the years that if they are being abused in any manner, stop putting themselves in positions to be abused or all they are really doing is giving the abuser permission to abuse.

I have a choice. I can allow myself to be abused on here, even if by one person, or I can simply leave, permanently. However, I have a number of friends on here, including you, Bill, and I will, as I stated earlier, give it another chance.

Thanks to Gus for not honoring my request to delete my account.(END QUOTE)

Jimmy! Get off your knees and wipe that stuff off your face. I'm sure you'll be back to entertain the boys.

Gus not honoring request to delete account? Assumes he knows how. Also assumes that he would actually read such pathetic drivel in the first place.
Ben Johnson Wrote:
yoda_igorovich Wrote:Well, I'm sorry to hear that Jimmy (or anybody) would trust the arrogant self-righteous @$$h013$ at degreedisgusted.

It's like a pack of dogs over there.  If they're not going for your throat, they're humping your leg.

I don't know why Jimmy keeps going back looking for their approval.  What is the DI/DD mystery?  He's welcome everywhere else, even here.

Jimmy Clifton, and the same holds true for Quinn, always seem to want to post at forums in which the prevailing view is RA or no way (DI/DD) and avoid forums that may be more open or sympathetic to their positions. (DL Truth, degreeboard, or even smaller player onlinedegree.net)
Ben Johnson Wrote:Quote from Jimmy at Degreediscussion:

(QUOTE)Okay, Bill, I will give it one more chance. I should know by now that one's bad choices in the past always have a way of returning. I also should know by now that there will always be those who find it necessary to be demeaning, sarcastic, ignoble, and just plain jerky.

However, I have emphatically suggested to clients over the years that if they are being abused in any manner, stop putting themselves in positions to be abused or all they are really doing is giving the abuser permission to abuse.

I have a choice. I can allow myself to be abused on here, even if by one person, or I can simply leave, permanently. However, I have a number of friends on here, including you, Bill, and I will, as I stated earlier, give it another chance.

Thanks to Gus for not honoring my request to delete my account.(END QUOTE)

Jimmy! Get off your knees and wipe that stuff off your face. I'm sure you'll be back to entertain the boys.

Gus not honoring request to delete account? Assumes he knows how. Also assumes that he would actually read such pathetic drivel in the first place.

on another site in an unrelated field I posted my opinion.
Consensus was generally (very) favourable and one or two moderators even told me -literally- that i was so good and right i ought to write a book.
Maybe I pushed the wrong buttons and the slimebag owner (a unemployed, emotionally unstable 20-something that keeps sending mails to the members lamenting his financial distress and requesting donations ) banned me and accused me of being a -literally- murdering psycho.
Now that was his opinion, and a scumbag living off occasional jobs and begging for 50$ from complete strangers is no Mahatma Gandhi to judge me or accuse me of crimes (funny as the biggest crime I got into got me a minor speed ticket ).
On topic: what did these people say, who agreed with me and told me I was so good I should write a book? Mind you that they portray themselves as 40-50yos 'sixfigures' consultants...
They hurried to add they understood and supported the owner.
Hannah Arendt the famous jewish activist wrote 'the banality of evil' asking the rhetorical question how/why did common Germans not raise to defend the Jews...
Well...why in hell would a 40-something sixfigures consultant take back and reverse his enthusiastic opinion of an individual?
There is no Himmler's Gestapo nor Honeker's STASI to go after him...
Sad but true, to be allowed to post on a semi-dead free website worshiping a 20-something vagrant with unstable personality.

Quote:Thanks to Gus for not honoring my request to delete my account.

The above specimen belongs to the same species.
Hell, sounds like a father of five thanking Burger King not to have fired him because he needs money for the family...

Little Arminius Wrote:Jimmy Clifton, and the same holds true for Quinn, always seem to want to post at forums in which the prevailing view is RA or no way (DI/DD) and avoid forums that may be more open or sympathetic to their positions. (DL Truth, degreeboard, or even smaller player onlinedegree.net)

Add an Australian guy named Peter to the list and shake your head. American Coastline U./Summit U. had some really talented doctoral graduates but they disavow their degrees and bend over when requested by the DD/DI crew.
Ben Johnson Wrote:Add an Australian guy named Peter to the list and shake your head. American Coastline U./Summit U. had some really talented doctoral graduates but they disavow their degrees and bend over when requested by the DD/DI crew.

Peter showed up on the Lynch-Jimmy thread.

Jimmy, don't waste your time with people who seem locked into a negative attitude. There is such heavy bias - Bear resorting to his 'dirt files' and Hungry Ghost locked into disagreeableness , and then the usuals chiming in and casting aspersions.

You don't owe anyone here any further explanations, and for someone to be so presumptive as to hold themselves and this whole group out as evaluators of the rigour, the educational administration of the school and the credentials of the faculty. THAT is none of the business of anyone here - thank God that 99.999% of the educationalists have never heard of this site or its members.

Maybe you have forgotten the stipulation "...don't cast your pearls before swine..."

Some of us have got faith is you - maybe it is the non-Christians here who don't/won't understand. That is a pity. Get on with your good work and don't waste any more time and energy here.(UNQUOTE)

Way to go Peter.
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