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Judge Declares ODA's Alan Contreras a Civil Rights Violator


Quote:Melinda Benton ("plaintiff") is a professor at a community college in Oregon. She holds a degree from Bob Jones University, an unaccredited institution that emphasizes conservative values....

Plaintiff brought this action pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983. Plaintiff brought this 1983 action as a class action seeking declaratory and injunctive relief. Plaintiff alleged seven claims for violation of the federal and state constitutional rights to free speech, free exercise of religion, due process and equal protection. These claims were predicated upon allegations that the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization had decreed that plaintiff should be fired from her position at the college because her degree was "illegal" or face criminal sanctions and then later decreed that plaintiff need not be fired but must give a disclaimer regarding her degrees.

Plaintiff initially named four defendants: the Oregon Department of Education, the Oregon Student Assistance Commission, the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization and Alan Contreras, the administrator of the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization, in his official and individual capacities....

After a bench trial, the district court found that defendant Contreras had violated plaintiff's constitutional rights. Specifically, the district court concluded that defendant "Contreras' application of the regulations to plaintiff's degrees resulted not from an intent to achieve the goals of the regulations, but because of bias toward the institution from which they were received." That finding is not challenged on appeal....
I know this is an old post but I just read through it.
I really find it interesting.
I really wonder how much money the citizens of Oregon had to shell out on account of this clown.

I think its too bad that he was never indicted in a criminal case.
The case simply proved what we all knew. It was just a game of gotcha by Conty and Bear. Games are fun when kids play them, not when so-called adults play them. Especially when they are doing things that can destroy lives, Yes, it's a shame that Conty couldn't have been punished for his little games of torture.
Had a chance to watch a few minutes of "foul mouthed" Kathy Griffin on cable awhile back...she is truly revolting (looks like she went through "bad gender reassignment",)...to say the least...but she was describing "Bears" in her stand-up routine....apparently, these are hairy-ass gay-men...that prowl around...hirsute and leathered...looking for little "effeminate queens" to "roger-roundly"...if you get my drift......looking at Contreras' bird watching photos...he certainly fits the "BEAR" model, described by Kathy "sewer mouth" Griffin... I still howl with laughter lookin' at AC's "cute" little photo..complete with bow-tie...ROTFLMAO!!

Apparently obese "Bear's"...are referred to as "chubs".....lmao!!!!!
You called WHO a faggot?
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A very wise and sensitive man by the name of Dr. Norman Henteleff educated me on the use/right of degree holders from non RA institutions of higher learning, in this country. It was through his disclosure, that I became aware of the legality and validity of licensed Hawaiian Schools and California State Approved Schools. It is staggering that a seemingly educated man and attorney no less...could have been under the delusional belief that Oregon or "ANY" state for that matter, can somehow restrict a legal, valid degree, and even make the determination that it's "use", within the state lines of Oregon, is somehow a CRIME! This man should have been disbarred for ruining lives in Oregon and throughout "our great nation". Surely he was not DELUSIONAL enough to believe that the ODA, could somehow supersede the CONSTITUTION of these UNITED STATES?! It's amazing how his tune changed, especially after he got slammed by that federal judge in Oregon, who made Alan take remedial courses in defamation law. He should have forced him to study constitutional law as well, clearly Alan slept through this one...LOL! when he was an actual student. Even Florida threw out that "unaccredited degree law"...because it was violating the CONSTITUTION! Somehow, somewhere...people got this notion that regional accreditation, is the determining factor in making a degree legal, valid and usable. Bear and his cronies back in the early 2000's began a crusade against valid, "state approved/licensed" schools. Prior to that, patriotic men even used these state approved degrees, to become officers in the military, many still do...much to the chagrin of Alan and his buddy Bear/Klempner.
It seems strange to me that Bear and Crew hated state approval so very much, but, when it was Oregon's version (Contreras) they loved it. When I pointed out to them that this was no more than a very small office of state approval, Oregon version, they acted as if God had spoken when Conty yelled mill-mill-mill at all the unaccredited state licensed/approved schools. It shows just how far outside of normal they are. When it's California or Alabama etc. that's doing the approval it's useless, or so they say. They used Conty to bash the unaccredited supporters over the head, talking of law and such.

All Conty represented was Oregon. That they wished to use it as some form of accreditation was crap. As the court showed, Conty was a little man screaming at the world. In reality I don't believe he really even represented what Oregon wanted. They wanted the flaming degree mills kept out, not the legitimate unaccredited schools. Conty pushed the issue beyond what was wanted or needed.

Like Bear, Conty got too big for his britches.
Undoubtedly, Contrerass knows that his little masquerade as an authority on distance education and accreditation has been exposed. His prattling has grown strangely silent, since his retirement...must be all that "ornithology" he's been up too...rotflmao! CA State Approval has become very difficult to acquire...just ask those who have failed...like Breyer State...and many others.
(12-30-2012, 12:55 AM)bigfoot Wrote: [ -> ]Undoubtedly, Contrerass knows that his little masquerade as an authority on distance education and accreditation has been exposed. His prattling has grown strangely silent, since his retirement...must be all that "ornithology" he's been up too...rotflmao! CA State Approval has become very difficult to acquire...just ask those who have failed...like Breyer State...and many others.

I tend to believe that Contreras, Bear, Golin and their ilk have one thing in common and thats that they have dilusions of self importance. They really do not have any actual authority but due to their alleged expertise, they feel that they have the right or the duty to open their pie holes and yap about what they believe to be true.

They have been partially successful at destroying a number of unaccredited schools. Some of them are Diploma Mills in the truest sense and others are just schools which, by choice or by circumstances had never been accredited.

Now they have a problem. They are victims of their own success. Most of their targets are out of business or succeeded in getting their accreditition. So does the world still need George Golin, Al or John? They try to keep relevent but they are speaking to empty rooms. Nobody gives a shit anymore.

My guess is that they these scoundrils will fade out of the spotlight and wither and die like a plant that does not get sunlight.
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