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Back in June the Randocks made a motion to dismiss the indictment against them due to "outrageous government misconduct."

Anyone heard anything about the status of that?

Not me. I've not heard or seen anything.
Randall Flagg Wrote:Not me. I've not heard or seen anything.

It's on calendar for January 10, 2008.  The story I hear is that the fed higher-ups are totally pissed off about this case and wish it would disappear, which may well happen.  

They are steamed both at Gollum for overselling them a bunch of hot air, and at the lower ranking feds who took on the case without checking out Gollum's credibility (or lack thereof) first.  The feds now know Gollum left out half the story, and if they had known the full story they never would have bothered with it.  The fact that the feds then thoroughly botched whatever case they might have had with their lame gestapo tactics (as discussed in that motion) isn't helping things either.  

Obviously somebody in the process was utterly lacking in good judgment.  Somebody thought Gollum had wrapped them up an easy, high profile win tied with a bow, when instead he just handed them the Gollum family recipe for chocolate vaginas (or was it phallic spring rolls? Or mutant pork sandwiches?)  

Plus all the feds holding SRU degrees (and there's plenty of them) had a lot of stuff splashed on them because of this.  They want this case to go away too and are putting on the pressure all the way up and down the pipeline.  

Prosecutors are said to be praying the judge dumps this case and thereby gives them a graceful way out, rather than forcing them to either admit they have no case and dismiss it themselves, or worse, try it and lose.
If these morons couldn't prove SRU a mill without breaking the law, they can't do anything. But if there was misconduct it could well screw up the case. Guilty or not people have the right to a legal process and a fair trial. But I certainly don't want to see SRU return. It was a degree mill pure and simple, and made unaccredited schools an easy target for the gang.  They would lump CCU / Kennedy Western in with SRU and say they were all the same, they weren't.

Now for Gollin. All talk, and brag. He wants to see his name in the papers and on TV. Like Bear he wants to be the "Mill Busting Man."  He's just an average physics professor who is the Beta member of his own family and hates it. He wears the skirt in the family.  Smile
Randall Flagg Wrote:Now for Gollin....He wears the skirt in the family.  Smile

And likes it!
I see the "fake school" angle is now taking a back seat to the "fake diploma" cry.  

Is this a tacit admission by the G-men that their "fake school" argument doesn't hold enough water to get a conviction?  

They have to know that if the Liberians testify that SRU had government approval the whole fake school argument goes down the drain.  That's why the government is trying so hard to prevent the SRU defendants from preserving that testimony.  Your tax dollars at work: if the truth is against you, try to keep it out of court.  

So are there also like 6,000 federal employees out there with counterfeit degrees from real schools too?  Something tells me there aren't.  If this is the best argument the feds have they really must be desparate.

I see the judge isn't going to do the prosecutor's dirty work for him by dismissing the case.  Apparently he knows that lying, stealing and civil rights violations are just part of the government's standard operating procedures, so quit your whining.  Now the G is stuck taking this turkey to trial.  Look for an epidemic of flu and vacations in the prosecutor's office around trial time.
Albert Hidel Wrote:They have to know that if the Liberians testify that SRU had government approval the whole fake school argument goes down the drain.  That's why the government is trying so hard to prevent the SRU defendants from preserving that testimony.  Your tax dollars at work: if the truth is against you, try to keep it out of court.  

This just in off the DL Truth high speed news wire.....

SRU defendants win depo motion.  Judge orders testimony of Liberian education bigwigs preserved, whether the feds like it or not.

Now we will learn the truth about SRU's status in Liberia, and possibly how the US government itself acted to undermine it.  Talk about your tax dollars at work.  

More news as it breaks.  I'm sure we can count on Gollum to share all he knows about this major setback to the government plans to steamroll SRU.  Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
You aren't saying that the government, worried about its case, approached the Liberian government to remove St. Regis's accreditation? Wouldn't that be akin to manufacturing evidence? Couldn't be true. Could it?
Ben Johnson Wrote:You aren't saying that the government, worried about its case, approached the Liberian government to remove St. Regis's accreditation?  Wouldn't that be akin to manufacturing evidence?  Couldn't be true.  Could it?

That's an interesting thought.  I would have supposed there was no case contemplated by the government until after the Liberian accreditation was confounded.  On the other hand, it does seem like the pieces fell together very neatly once that happened.  No case absent fraud, no fraud as long as there's accreditation, so remove accreditation and then yell fraud.  

That's like waiting until the old lady is half way across the street, sandblasting the cross walk, then writing her a jay walking ticket.

Hard to believe anybody in government could concoct a diabolical plan like that.  You would almost have to be a PhD or something......

Here's the order granting the depo motion:

Here's a new discovery motion filed by SRU today, which includes a request that the government identify confidential informants:
Quote:(14) Confidential Informant(s) and related information. It is requested that the government reveal the identity of any and all confidential informants who were percipient witnesses to the charges in this case and information regarding any promises made to the CI(s) and the information provided by the CI(s).

Wonder whose name will show up in response to this?  Wonder if that same name will have any connection to the accreditation issue discussed above?
What would Georgie know of electronic surveilance? I guess, where there's smoke there might be fire.

This case isn't the slam-dunk they thought it would be. There are still at least 1,000 degreemills out there and this case must be costing a fortune. It sure is lucky there are no real criminals left that authorities could be spending their time on.

They have to give the Randocks a fair trial or everything gets chucked on appeal. Already the denial of the motion to suppress is iffy. Prosecutors better take extra effort to provide all the requested disclosure or they're dead in the water on any appeal.
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